Page 9 of Midnight Kisses

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“You think I’m kidding?” I lean in, letting my lips brush against her earlobe. “To your left. Don’t be obvious about it.” She turns her head slightly, and the scent of her perfume stirs a growl in my chest. This woman is mine; that’s all there is to it. I don’t care what it takes. She’s never leaving my side after tonight.

“Okay, so he’s looking at me,” she whispers, unaware of my thoughts. “I’m sure there are women looking at you, too.”

“We’re not talking about me right now.” Because I can’t help it, I place my hands on her hips, pulling her closer. Fuck, she’s tempting. “We’re talking about you. What do you think that man wants to do to you?”

“How should I know?”

“Lesson one: you don’t walk into a bar looking the way you do right now and act like you don’t know what a man wants to do. You have to know how jaw-dropping you are.”

She leans back a little, far enough to look me in the eyes and shake her head. “I really don’t. But I’m glad you think I am. I don’t want you thinking you wasted your money.”

She still doesn’t get it. “I’m telling you right now, there is not a man tonight who’ll set eyes on you and not wish he could bury himself in that pretty pussy.”

Her gaze darts around, her cheeks going red. “Colton,” she whispers on a strained giggle.

“You don’t believe me? Maybe we should ask him.”

Her gasp draws the attention of the people closest to us. “Don’t do that!”

“Suit yourself.” It’s almost too fun, fucking with her like this. Deep down inside, she’s still the good girl she always was.

But even deeper, there’s somebody a lot darker. Someone who’s curious. Willing. Even eager. “It’s the truth. And where we’re going, there’s going to be plenty of opportunity for men to approach you.”

My fingers dig into her flesh hard enough that she winces. “But you’re not going to take them up on it. Understood?”

“Of course.” There’s still innocence shining from her eyes as she frowns. “I’m going to be with you. This is our agreement.”

She has no idea what her submissiveness does to me. “Exactly. You belong to me and only to me. And what we do, we do together. No other partners.”

Now she’s frowning in earnest. “Where are we going? You’re making me nervous.”

It’s about time to get moving, anyway. I was going to offer a drink here, but we can always have our drinks at the club.

“There’s only one way to find out.” I pull out cash for the bartender before standing. “By the way, that bag is for you. But I’d wait till you’re outside before opening it.”

“Okay, now I’m really nervous,” she mutters as I drape a protective arm around her waist and steer her out of the bar and into the lobby. Simply being this close to her is getting me hard again. To think, she has no idea. In her head, she’s still the nerdy kid.

The fact is, she was hot back then, too. And she was just as unaware as she is now.

“A limo?” she breathes, her eyes widening as the driver I secured for the evening steps out and opens the door for us.

“It’s a special night.” And it was the right call since her face is shining almost as bright as the moon hanging overhead. This is run-of-the-mill for me, but to her, it’s probably a first-time experience. What will it be like, showing her the world? I can’t wait.

Climbing inside the limo is a welcome relief, the warm exterior heaven on a cold night like this. “Wow, this is so cool!” She turns to me, grimacing as soon as the words are out of her mouth. “That must have sounded so lame.”

“It is cool.” I nudge the bag closer to her, sitting between us on the seat. “Check out what I got for you.”

“You really didn’t have to buy me anything.”

“Just wait until you see what it is.” Something tells me she’s going to feel a little different when she does.

And I’m right. Her mouth falls open in a gasp once she identifies what she’s pulled free from the cloud of tissue paper: a black leather collar with a D-ring attached in the front, to which a leather leash has been clipped.

Her wide, innocent eyes are full of confusion when they meet mine. “Is this what I think it is?”

“That’s for you to wear tonight.”

“Oh.” The collar starts trembling in her hands. “That’s what I thought it was.”
