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Shade held up a hand, stopping me. Placing both large hands on my shoulders, he lowered so we were at eye level.

“What in the hell are you talking about, woman? We are not gay. Roommates, yes. Best friends, for sure. But we are not attracted to each other or other men.”

Oh fuck.


Shortest friendship ever to be recorded.

It was amazing while it lasted.



“Honey, I’m home,” I said from the front door only to freeze. My fingers hovered over my belt buckle as I stared at Georgia’s daughter laid out onmycouch. “Um, hi?”

“Hey,” she said over her shoulder but didn’t pull her gaze from the TV.

I swallowed, terrified to see what was playing on the screen. The last DVD I’d left in the player was a threesome porno, and I sure as hell hoped that wasn’t what held her undivided attention. The breath I held released in a whoosh when the screen flashed, showing a baking show.

“They’re in the kitchen,” she said, still not looking my way.

It was then that I heard the quiet whispers of Shade’s deep voice and Georgia’s frantic one. The smile that hadn’t gone away since I met up with them at the general store grew wider. The hilarious revelation Georgia had announced was left partly unresolved since Grace walked up, shattering the moment. Shade texted me earlier, stating he hadn’t gotten to ask where she got the idea that we were a couple since Gracie was with them in the truck, and then he had to go handle a few things at the farm.

Now it seemed they were hashing out the misconception.

The scent of Italian spices and garlic wafted down the short hall as I drew closer to the kitchen, making my stomach rumble. Seated at the small round table, Shade had his arms crossed as he leaned back in a wooden chair that looked comical beneath his enormous size. Georgia sat across from him, face in her hands as she shook her head.

Shade’s dark eyes met mine, and his lips twitched as he angled his head toward Georgia.

That was my cue to take over the conversation. My best friend was many amazing things, but a skilled conversationalist was not one of them. He kept things locked in tight in that mind of his, which was a detriment these last few years.

“So,” I said, announcing my presence.

Georgia dropped her hands and stared up at me from beneath long, dark lashes.

Fuck, she was beautiful. Not in an overdone, fake way but classically beautiful with thick curly hair, a petite face, and a sweet button nose that was covered with a scattering of freckles along her fair skin. I frowned at the dark circles beneath her eyes and the dip in her lips.

“I am so sorry,” she started.

I waved her off. “It’s not that big of a deal. You’re not the first or the last to think that because of our unique relationship.”

Her bright green eyes flicked to Shade, brows furrowing. Ah, so he hadn’t gotten that far yet. Not surprised. Though that might be a better conversation to be had when Grace was in bed.

“I’m just glad we got it cleared up,” I continued.

“But all those things I said,” she protested, shaking her head. “About you being….” She swallowed hard.

“We’re having dinner here?” I asked to distract her from the uncomfortable moment. Shade had texted me saying she wanted to make us dinner as a thank you/apology, but I just assumed he meant at her place.

“Grace wanted to watch our Netflix,” Shade said, filling in the gap.

“Ah. So what are you cooking?”

“Chicken parmesan. It’s not as fancy as it sounds.”

“Sounds better than the ramen noodles we normally have,” I said with a snort. “I’m going to change. I’ll be right back.”
