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“This is fantastic,” I said around a mouthful of food, making both women look my way, gawking at my poor manners. “I didn’t even know the oven worked. Do you enjoy cooking?”

“I used to. But it’s not fun to cook for one, and Gracie usually had something going on that kept her away between sports, riding lessons, and her friends.” There was no mention of the husband. At some point, I would get that full story. Not now, but soon. “So most nights I just ordered takeout.”

“It’s good,” Shade said, shoveling food into his mouth, though his dark eyes narrowed on Georgia’s untouched plate. “Why aren’t you eating?”

Both freshly bandaged hands went to her lap, and a forced smile appeared. “I’m not that hungry. But I’m glad you guys like it.”

Before I could respond, Shade gently set his fork down along the plate and folded both arms over his chest. “Are you sick?”

“What? No. I’m just not hungry.”

“Georgia,” he practically growled. I just smirked, eating my pasta like it was popcorn while watching the battle of wills duel it out. Though I felt I should warn Georgia that Shade would win no matter how much she deflected.

“Shade,” she retorted, narrowing her eyes at him. “It’s fine.”

“You didn’t even eat lunch,” Grace offered, clearly not picking up on the tension. “How can you not be hungry?”

A single dark brow rose along Shade’s forehead.

With an exasperated huff, Georgia gripped her fork and twirled it in the delicious pasta. Only when she’d pushed the full fork past her lips did Shade go back to his own meal.

The conversation shifted back to easy topics as we all ate. While Grace told us about the different sports she played back in NYC, Shade watched the way Georgia picked at her food, only really eating when she caught his glare directed at her. Then the upcoming holiday came up, and we all offered one thing we loved most about Christmas.

It was clear that Georgia didn’t have any plans for Christmas. I didn’t even need to double-check with Shade before I offered for her and Grace to come over sometime next week to help decorate our tree and to also spend Christmas Day lounging around watching movies and eating too much candy.

The time flew by fast, Shade and I both getting up at different times to scoop seconds onto our plates. When everyone was done eating, Georgia stood, reaching for our plates. Shade and I both pulled them out of range.

“You cooked, we clean. That’s how this works. Come on, G,” I said, tilting my head toward the sink. “You help me wash the dishes while Shade puts what’s left in the fridge.”

It could’ve gone either way, but thankfully Grace just shrugged and scooped up her plate, carrying it to the counter and turned on the water. I shot Georgia’s shocked face a wink before grabbing her plate and mine.

“Do you want a beer? I should’ve asked before,” I tossed over my shoulder. In my periphery, I saw Shade tugging open the fridge and pulling three brown bottles out. “You don’t get one,” I said with a smile down to Grace. “Though there might be some ice cream in the fridge if Shade didn’t eat it all last night.”

“That would be you,” he grumbled. The now-opened brown bottle clinked against the counter where he set it down beside the sink. “And you know it.”

“He’s right,” I admitted like it was a serious offense. “Which means I know for a fact that there’s still some Blue Bell in there.”

“What flavor is that?” she asked while scrubbing some cheese stuck to the edge of the plate.

In slow motion, I turned to face her. “What flavor? It’s not a flavor, it’s a brand. The best ice cream you will ever, ever eat. It’s a Texas staple. It’s—”

“He’s passionate about his ice cream.”

Behind my back, out of Grace’s view, I flipped Shade the bird.

“Okay, we’re rectifying this travesty right now. Leave those dishes in the sink. I’ll do them later.” Grabbing Grace by the shoulders, I directed her down the hall and into the living room. “You set up the first season ofIt’s Cake—”

“Is It Cake?” She giggled.

“And I’ll get the ice cream. ‘What flavor is that?’” I said with a fake huff. “Prepare for your mind to be blown by the creamiest ice cream you’ll ever eat.”

Striding back into the kitchen, I found Georgia and Shade both smiling at me. Shade’s was a knowing grin, clearly seeing through my dramatics for what they truly were—a distraction for both of them. Georgia’s smile, though, was soft, relieved almost.

And fuck it if I wouldn’t be this dramatic about everything in life if it caused that smile to be directed at me again. Because somehow in less than a day, the woman had intrigued me, made me feel something I hadn’t in years.

Sure, there was that instant attraction, a tug I couldn’t ignore, but this was more than that.

Georgia was interesting, vulnerable, funny, and trusting.
