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I stared hard at Trap. “Shade is the affectionate one, the caregiver, so that means you’re the….”

Still searching through the coats, he just grinned. “The funny one, obviously. And….” He paused as if debating his genuine answer. “Communication. I like to talk, be heard, and to know someone. And the whole protection and provider thing.”

“Protection and provider thing?”

He just nodded and pulled a thick gold puffy coat off the rack, holding it against my chest, head tilting this way and that. “Protecting you from other people or yourself. It’s what’s driven me crazy with Shade the last three years. I couldn’t do shit for him to pull him out of his own head. And provider, well, I really like to buy shit.”

I fought a smile, lips pressing together to keep it hidden. “Like this coat, I’m guessing. It’s not really your style.”

“No, but it’ll look hot as fuck on you. Now what size jeans do you need?”

“Trap, I’m not—”

He flicked his gaze to the dressing room before hooking his arm around my waist and yanking me to his chest. His hand snaked down and grabbed my whole ass cheek over my leggings. “If it makes you feel better, we can keep the receipts, and you can pay me back once your accounts are unfrozen. But I’m buying you a coat. And these jeans because I only want you wearing leggings around the house.”

“What?” I squeaked. My heart stuttered with excitement at the possessive glint in his eye.

He gave my ass another squeeze before smacking it hard. “Your ass in those leggings draws the eye of every single fucker in town, and I don’t want them looking at you. You’re ours.”

“Oh,” I rasped, my throat randomly dry but my panties soaked.

“My eyes are exhausted from how many death glares I’ve dished out today alone, and we’ve only been out of the house for two hours.” He winked, making a giggle work its way up my throat. “So jeans. And a hat. Maybe a parka or two. How do you feel about wearing a skiing bib around town?”

The giggle morphed into a full “head tossed back, sound echoing around the store” laugh.

Movement had me twisting toward the dressing rooms, still cackling at Trap’s words. Smiling from where she poked her head around the dressing room curtain, Gracie watched us. When our eyes met, she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

The full-belly laugh died with my next breath, and my smile fell.

Fuck, I couldn’t let her see this. What if she got mad that I’d moved on from her father so quick? And I sure as hell didn’t want her to know I’d moved on with not one buttwomen.

After yesterday, I’d expected to feel cheap, used even, but instead I felt worshipped and special. Shade showing up in my bed—though I’d told him next time to give me a little more warning so I didn't have a near heart attack—helped too. He didn’t come over to get laid; no, he came over for cuddles and left knowing that was what I wanted. They were caring and understanding and wanted my body.

And I sure as fuck wanted theirs.

Just maybe not at the same time. There were definite hesitations on trying that. The logistics and pain concerns were the top two on my list of questions. But I also knew they wouldn’t do anything that was painful.

So not them at the same time… yet.

“You look great, G,” Trap shouted, leaning against the clothing rack, unfazed by my sudden mood shift. “What do you think?”

“I love it,” she said, clapping her hands, a wide, genuine smile splitting her youthful face. “It’s comfortable and cute. Perfect for school.”

“Good. Now try on the other stuff too. We can get a few outfits so you can have multiple to choose from Monday and through your first week.”

She squealed, whirling around so fast her straight dark hair fanned out around her before she ducked behind the curtain.

I shot Trap a fake scowl, but he just shrugged and went back to looking at the jeans, pulling a pair off the rack.

“Here, go try these on. And this jacket. I’ll look for the parkas.”

A few rogue curls slipped from my ponytail to dance around my cheeks as I shook my head, teeth digging into my lip to restrain a growing smile. Taking the dressing room beside Gracie’s, I stood in front of the full-length mirror, studying my reflection.

My green eyes literally sparkled, the whites glistening without the red streaks I’d grown used to from lack of sleep and crying. My fair skin wasn’t pasty pale but smooth and vibrant. Even without makeup, I looked years younger than I did when I first arrived.

Maybe they have magical cum.

The jacket molded around my mouth when I pushed it to my face to quiet my loud laugh that thought had bursting out of me.Bursting.Another obnoxious laugh rumbled through the dressing room despite my attempt to muffle myself.
