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Her head perked up from behind a computer screen, eyes widening at Trap and Shade, who boxed me tightly between them. Their postures were stiff, gazes bouncing around the lobby as if enemies were hiding in the nonexistent shadows, ready to rip me out of their arms.

“Georgia Day here for Agent Carleigh,” Trap said, addressing the woman when she sat there blinking at Shade. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. He was huge, and hot, but he was mine.So eyes above the waist, sweetie.

“And you two are…?” Her long, fake lashes fluttered as she glanced between them, each time skipping me entirely.

“Mine,” I said, jaw tight. “Please let Agent Carleigh know we’re here. I’m very ready to get this day over with.”

She gaped at me for a second before turning to her computer, face red with what I assumed was embarrassment or anger. “He’s on his way,” she muttered, not looking from the screen.

A gentle tug on my hand when we turned to put more distance between us and the receptionist had me turning to Shade, who wore a knowing smirk.

Trap’s hot breath brushed against my ear when he leaned down, resting his chin on my shoulder. “You claiming us was hot as fuck.”

“Am I wrong?” I asked, voice raspy.Damn these two. How in the hell do they make me feel this way with simple looks and words?Just being between them, my panties were already damp, even though I was nervous as hell for the meeting with Barrett.

“Not at all, sweetheart. Not. At. All.”

The click of dress shoes had us all straightening, turning toward the sound. A familiar face, though this time more gaunt and exhausted than almost two months ago, came around a corner, his hand running through his thinning hair.

“Mrs. Graves—” He caught himself when I shot him an annoyed look. “Sorry, Georgia. Thank you for agreeing to meet with Mr. Graves. He’s being difficult.” He said the last word through gritted teeth.

“Sounds about right,” I muttered under my breath. Rolling my shoulders back, I focused over his shoulder, the direction he came from. “Is he already here?”

“Yes. We’ve moved him around to keep him under the radar. He just arrived this morning and will be moved again tomorrow, depending on how the conversation goes.”

“No pressure, then.” I sighed.

His lips pressed into a tight line before he responded. “I’m not going to bullshit you. We’re in a tough spot. We need the names and contacts of those who are associated with the ‘parties’ he attended. But he won’t release even a single name until he’s talked to you and negotiated what he’ll take the fall for concerning the initial indictment.”

“What?” I hissed through clenched teeth. Shade’s wide hand curled around my waist in silent comfort. “No. He deserves to go down for everything he did.”

“He’s stating you knew—”

“Fuck him. And fuck this,” I snapped. I slammed my index finger against Agent Carleigh’s chest. “The moment I realized what was going on, I came to the FBI. I will not sit in some room with my shit of an ex—”

“Still husband. Which is another aspect that he will not move forward with until he’s spoken to you.”

“Before, I was disgusted by him, and I literally hate him. Putting me in the same room as Barrett right now isn’t smart. I’ll kill him.”

“And we’ll help,” Trap snarled. “Who does this fucker think he is making all these demands?”

“The man who has the potential to give us names and contacts for one of the largest sex trafficking rings in the northeast,” Agent Carleigh deadpanned.

I straightened. No one said a word after that bomb of a statement. What was there to say?

“Fine.” I sighed. “Let’s just get this over with. And then I’ll need a drink.”

“We know just the place,” Shade said. When I shot him a questioning look, he shrugged. “This is where we moved from,” he whispered, casting cautious glances at Agent Carleigh. “We know the town and probably half the police force.”

Nerves had my stomach rolling, making me thankful I’d passed on coffee and breakfast at the hotel earlier as we trailed Agent Carleigh. Careful to keep the movement small, I swiped both clammy palms down the front of my black slacks, keeping in step with Trap and Shade, who flanked me on either side. Shade’s massive hand snaked down my forearm to entangle our fingers together. He lifted our combined hands to his lips and placed a quick kiss on my knuckles.

“You’ll be okay, baby. We’ll be there with you—”

“Actually, you won’t,” Agent Carleigh said over his shoulder. “I was okay with Deputy Williams’s request that you two escort her here, but she’ll go into the room alone with Mr. Graves.”

My stomach dropped, though I knew it was a possibility—and honestly, it was probably for the best if I wanted to get Barrett’s cooperation.

“Then we’re out—”
