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“How is he? How do his tests look? Blood work? I need to know—”

“He’s awake,” I said. Switching it to speakerphone, I held the device between Georgia and me. “The doctor is in with him now. I don’t know the answer to all those words you just rambled off. You’ll have to ask the doctor yourself.”

“He’s awake,” Caradee shouted. Voices in the background grew louder as all our friends shouted in excitement. The second she switched it to speakerphone, the assaulting questions blared through the speaker, everyone talking at once. “You still doing okay? Georgia?”

“I’m here, and good. The doctor just put me on some heavy pain meds and has a list of rules for me to follow for the concussion.”

“They suck,” Max said, making me snort. “I’ve had… a few.”

“And still never followed my rules.” Caradee sighed. “Hey, Trap, Grace is here and, well, she wants to tell you what happened at school today, hoping it’ll make you feel a little better.”

Georgia stiffened against me, turning her face up toward mine, confusion clear based on her scrunched nose. I just shrugged, though I had a feeling this call was about to take a very different turn.

“Hey, Grace,” I said, adding a lift to my tone. “Everything go okay?”

Georgia elbowed me. “Hold on a second, honey.” She tapped the mute icon. “What’s going on?” she whispered.

I ran a hand through my hair, the splints catching in it, making me wince. “Well, after that asshole attacked you at home and you were in the tub getting looked over by Caradee, I, um, had an interesting conversation with Grace.”

“Interesting how?”

“I asked her why you two were headed toward Anne’s place. She said because she had a bad day at school. I asked why, and she told me.” Her green eyes searched my face. “And I told her how to handle it.”

“Trap….” Georgia sighed.

Careful to keep my touch light, I snaked a hand around her waist. “Let’s just hear how it turned out before you get mad at me.”


I tapped the phone to unmute it. “Okay, Grace, what happened?”

“I punched him,” she squealed in excitement.

“What?” Georgia shrieked. “Punched who?”

“Mom,” Grace groaned, her earlier excitement fading to frustration.

“What’s going on out there?” Shade yelled from the room. “Georgia, are you okay?”

“Fuck,” I grumbled. “Come on, might as well make this a family affair.” I guided Georgia back into the room, where we found Shade sitting up, dark gaze bouncing between us. “Grace punched that fucker Greg.”

He huffed, settling back against the bed. “Good. Exactly how Trap showed you, Grace?”

“Why am I just learning about this?” Georgia asked, throwing her arms in the air.

“Because I didn’t want you to worry,” Grace said, voice pleading. “It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. He was being a total douche, Mom.”

“About what?”

“Us,” I filled in for Grace. “Me and Shade, and I’m guessing it’s escalated to you. That little fucker’s dad makes it known that he doesn’t like me and Shade living together. Likes to spread rumors around town about us, and it seems his little shithead kid is doing the same to get a rise out of Grace.”

Georgia blinked at me, eyes wide. “Gracie?”

“It’s okay, Mom.” Georgia’s shoulders dropped. “I don’t care what he says about my family. Oh, and I’m suspended for three days.”

I expected Georgia to freak. To totally flip out and spiral down into anxious thoughts of what our relationship was doing to her sweet daughter.

But she shocked the hell out of me by doing the opposite.
