Page 22 of Unexpected Devotion

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“No entry.” A bouncer with about a hundred pounds on me holds out his hand, blocking my way.

“If you want to keep that fucking hand, you’ll let me pass,” I snarl, my anger fogging any rational thought. Anger and … fear. Carina doesn’t belong in a place like this. She could get hurt. Badly.

“We got a tough guy?” He reaches out to grab my lapel.

I take his hand, yank it to the side, then twist his pinky finger so hard it snaps.

He yowls, and another man opens the black door of the club, takes one look at me, then steps back. “Gilly. Didn’t expect you.”

“Vince.” I brush past him.

“Should I tell Mr. Cavalli you’re here?” He peers out into the dark behind me. “Is Antonio comin–”

“Just me.”

He closes the door on the still-yowling bouncer.

“I’m sorry about him. He’s new.” Vince gives me a tight smile. He’s been a club manager for various families for years. He was on our payroll a while ago at one of our cabaret fronts, but we shut down when the feds got too close.

“I’m looking for a girl.” He tries to hide his shocked expression. He most likely thought I was meeting someone here to talk business.

“Aren’t we all?” His smile widens until I see his gold teeth glinting.

“Who else is here tonight?” I glance around at the black walls leading back into a small club space and then farther into private rooms and torture scenes. This club is well known for its particularly twisted forms of entertainment.

“I’m afraid I can’t divulge client information. You know that.” He drops his voice to just above a whisper. “Heavies in the back. Steer clear.” He taps the side of his nose. “Now let’s find you a girl.”

I let him lead me into the club area. A few tables are enjoying bottle service while two women writhe onstage. I ignore these bit players and peer through the gloom. No Carina.

“Not here.” I turn and head back toward the hallway.

Vince scurries ahead of me.

“Gilly, when I said heavies, I meant it.” He shakes his head. “The Falco heir and–”

Someone moans in the room beside me, and the crack of a whip shatters even the heavy thump of base as a woman screams. I grind my teeth, my body going taut. What if that’s Carina? What if one of these bastards has her? What if it’s Falco?

I push past Vince and storm down the hall.

“Gilly!” he squeaks and runs after me.

When I reach a door at the end, I push it open.

“No, that’s the–”

“How do you wear these pasties? It would only cover half my nipple.” Carina’s voice washes over me, and it feels like a cooling drop of rain rolling down my fiery spine. But that lasts only for a moment, because when I see her perched on the dressing room table trying to stick a pastie to her bare nipple while a working girl looks on, I lose it.

I fucking lose it.

She looks up right when I reach her.

I grab her arm and yank her top back up.

“Gilly!” she squeals and tries to jerk her arm free.

I ignore her protests and drag her through the dressing room and out the back door she so easily entered. Once we’re in the street, I throw her over my shoulder, all while she’s kicking and trying to punch me in the back, and carry her to my car. Then I toss her in the back seat and follow, slamming the door as I sit down.

“Gilly, what are you–No!” she screams when I grip her and yank her onto my lap.

“You’re going to tell me what the fuck you were doing in there.” I don’t even recognize my voice. I’m gone. Snapped. “But after.”

Her eyes widen. “After? After what?”

I grip the nape of her neck and bend her over, then yank her legs around the other side of me so she’s lying across my knees. I don’t have to lift her skirt up; it’s already to her fucking waist and showing me a flimsy thong.

“Don’t you ever put yourself in danger again!” Slap. I spank her hard. Again and again, I let loose my fear, my longing, my need. I spank her until her ass is red and hot, her cries ricocheting through the car as she looks back at me with teary eyes.

When my fear for her finally subsides, the fire inside me dimming just a hair, I rub her ass, my palm stinging as I smooth the pain from her skin.

Her cries turn into whimpers, then throaty moans.

That’s when I break, when I press my fingers inside her soaked cunt and pull out her wetness to rub her clit.

She bucks, her body going tense as she cries out, her orgasm hitting her hard and sudden as I circle that little nub, wringing out her pleasure until she goes limp. I stare at her perfectly reddened ass and bring my fingers to my lips, licking and sucking the taste of her from them.
