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“Don’t lie to me. I take that seriously.”

“Are you tracking me?”

“I don’t need to be.”

He was fucking infuriating. “You’re awfully sure of yourself.”

“Are you saying I shouldn’t be?”

“What exactly did Grant tell you about our encounter?”


“Look, X, I’m—”

“An excellent agent and one of the people I trust, but you need to keep your head clear.”

I wouldn’t be thinking about Rogue when I needed to move into action. I could compartmentalize whatever I needed to. By the time I was back to the hotel, I would have put Rogue back into my subconscious, and he’d stay there until I had a chance to sneak away again.

When I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, I was livid with myself. I’d spent every second of the drive thinking about Rogue.

I couldn’t keep this up. I deserved some pleasure. I’d given up a hell of a lot for this fucking job, for every fucking thing I’d done since leaving home, but I had to find a way to refocus. Rogue was hot as hell, and I would have loved to spend all day in bed with him. That thought alone should have disturbed me.

I liked to keep things as impersonal as I could with my hookups. But just because I wanted him more than any other man I could remember didn’t mean I would let him have power over me. I was going to walk into the hotel, and my mind was only going to be on work.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Danielson, the senior special agent from the Houston field office was on me as soon as I entered the lobby? Was everyone keeping tabs on me?

“It’s not even time to meet for breakfast yet. What the hell does it matter to you where I’ve been?”

“When we get intel in the middle of the night, I expect to be able to share it with my agents.”

“What intel?”

He sighed and rubbed his head. “It turned out to be nothing.”

“Then why are you bitching at me.” His glare told me I’d pushed too far. “Sir?”

“Because I had to go sit in the middle of fucking nowhere with Parson.” I grimaced. No one wanted to be trapped in a car with Parson and his inane conversation. “Where the hell were you that you decided not to answer my call?”

Fucking a beautiful man who satisfied me like no one else.

No. I was not going to think about Rogue. “I needed some air and time to think on my own. There wasn’t service out where I was.” That certainly could have been true. We were in a remote as hell part of Paradise Ranch.

He raised his brows and studied me. I got a lot of leeway because of my connection to X and the fact that I’d solved the problem they brought me on to solve in a spectacular way.

“From now on, stay close by, and make sure your damn phone works.”

“Yes, sir.”

He gestured toward the conference room. I thought I was being denied breakfast as punishment, but when I entered, I saw a carafe of coffee and mugs on the table along with a plate of pastries. I needed more than sugar and carbs after the night I’d had, but I would remedy that once we’d finished the debrief.

I don’t know how I got through the meeting. Danielson went on and on about risk analysis, statistics, and previous operations. Then the special agent in charge from the Houston office joined us by video and added to the harangue. By the end, I wasn’t listening at all. I was calculating how long I had to wait to get Rogue back in bed.

I’d only been this obsessed with one thing before—revenge. That was the only other time I hadn’t been able to shift my focus at will, but that had had an end date. Once the piece of shit who’d crossed me was dead, I’d moved on. With Rogue… I didn’t know what the end was.

Making him yours.

Even then… Even if… Was I going to stop thinking about him every second?

X can function even now that he’s absurdly in love.

But I wasn’t in love with Rogue. How could I be?

Are you sure?

Yes. I’ve only known him a few days, and… No, that’s ridiculous. Even if I just wanted him, there was still no end in sight for that unless I could actually fuck him enough times to satisfy my craving for him.

That’s not going to happen.

It has to. He’s damn good, but he’s not going to be interested in me forever, is he?

I spent the rest of the day on my least favorite parts of the job—research, paperwork, convincing stuffed suits who hadn’t been in the field in ages that their plans weren’t realistic.

By dinnertime, I felt like my skin didn’t fit me anymore. I was like a snake who needed to move around until I could peel it off and have a fresh start.
