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“Rogue and Colton are closer, and as mad as Rhys is right now, I don’t think they’re going to need any help taking Franco out.”

“I’m not going to stay away from Rogue, and he doesn’t want me to.”

“He doesn’t—”

“Yes, he does. He knows what he wants. He’s a grown man who’s lived a hell of a hard life. You need to give him some credit.”

“Don’t be so sure you know what I’m going to say. Rogue doesn’t deserve someone who’s just going to run away.”

I knew why he’d said what he said, but it sucked that no one believed in me. “I don’t always run.”

“No, you disappear. You said yourself that it’s what you’re best at.”

“It’s saved my life and the lives of others plenty of times, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to stick with something.”

“You’ve been with the FBI for, what, a year and a half now?”

“Yes, and I could have left after my first mission.”

“Why didn’t you?”

Because I didn’t have anywhere else to go. “We need to get going. We can talk more later.”

Grant started the engine and put his truck in gear. As he’d predicted, Rhys and TJ had captured Franco. Before we made it to the scene, Rogue called, letting us know Rhys and TJ were taking Franco to interrogate him. Arturo was alive but unconscious, probably drugged, and needed medical attention.

Grant turned toward the house so we could get a room and medical supplies ready for Arturo, and I called a medic who was with my team and told him to head our way.

Once we’d debriefed and Arturo was stable, I slipped from the room and texted Rogue. I didn’t care that it was the middle of the night and meeting would mean we wouldn’t likely get any sleep. I needed to touch him. Every second I’d spent arguing with Grant I was also worrying Rogue would be the first to confront Franco. I imagined him being hurt or… worse. Even now, the thought made my stomach churn. I needed him, needed to feel him under me, to hear him say he wanted me, and I had to tell him about my conversation with Grant.

He texted back a few moments later, giving me directions to a shed in a different area of the ranch than where we’d met before. I would gladly have met him in the field again, but having a roof over our heads and some shelter from anyone who might be out was even better.

I drove down the drive like I was leaving the ranch. I wasn’t going to betray our secret any more than I already had. Once I turned out of the gate, I headed in the direction that would lead me to the shed Rogue had described.

I parked a distance away. As I was approaching the shed on foot, I heard something and tensed. Rogue’s truck was already there, but another vehicle was coming toward the shed. I pressed myself against the side of the building and moved slowly until I was able to see the front but could stay too deep in the shadows for anyone to see me unless they had the same skills I did—meaning if it was Grant, I was fucked. I saw a truck drive close and stop. A few minutes later, the driver reversed then turned into the woods. I hurried across the porch and tried the door. It was open.

Rogue smiled when he saw me. “Good. You found the place.”

“I did.” I looked around. The outside of the shed was rundown, but the inside had been fixed up. There was an old couch and a twin mattress on the floor. There was also a shelf that had books and games on it. There was a single electric burner and a coffee pot sitting on top of a mini fridge. It looked like someone’s dorm room except for the visible rafters in the ceiling and the lack of a real floor. “What is this? It doesn’t look like a typical ranch building.”

Rogue shook his head. “It’s not. There’s kind of a story to it.”

I joined him on the couch and took his hand. “So tell me about it.”



After the last time Ghost and I had been together—when we hadn’t even been able to say a word to each other before tearing our clothes off and fucking on the bare ground—it made me feel good to know he was happy to just talk for a while, not that I had any intention of leaving the shed before he’d taken me hard and rough again. I needed that release after the hell of a night we’d had.

I shifted on the couch, bringing my legs up so I could turn and face Ghost. He cupped my cheek and gave me the lightest, sweetest kiss. It made my heart skip a beat. I couldn’t fight it anymore. I was in love with the man.
