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“Probably,” I say. “So I’ll see you guys there?”

“Yes, well, I’ll definitely be there. I’ll let you know about the others.”

He leaves, and I wait for Ivan so we can attend church. It’s different, but not different at the same time, although I definitely need to learn some Russian because I have no clue what is going on most of the time.

As we drive to the restaurant, I’m in the car with Ivan and Anastasia. We don’t speak in the car, and I must admit I always feel awkward around her.

Once we reach the restaurant, I see two cars I recognize and my family hovering outside. Ivan shakes Luigi and Miguel’s hands, and I hug Kira and Raphael.

Anastasia glances at Luigi when he greets her, but then she walks into the restaurant alone.

Ivan arranges everything in a way that I can sit with my family while still being beside him. He says they’re his honored guests.

The food is to die for. The meat is so tender it falls off the bone, the potatoes drip with rich gravy, and the vegetables are crisp and fresh. Everything is so good that most go for seconds.

I don’t talk much. Ivan talks to Miguel, and I can hear Luigi and Anastasia whispering to each other, almost bickering like a couple. I need to keep him away from her. This could be trouble.

Chapter 11 - Ivan

It was an enjoyable lunch, but I’m glad that Tori and I are alone at the apartment once everyone has left. In the library, I bring her a glass of wine and put my whiskey on a coaster on the table between us.

“Today was nice. Thank you for inviting my family,” she says quietly.

I give her a slight smile and shake my head. “I won’t deny you reasonable things, Tori.”

“I’m starting to realize that,” she says with her lips turned up.

“Listen,” I sit forward, “my grandmother is turning ninety next week, and we’ve been planning a party for her. I was hoping you could go over everything and make sure it’s done or being done. Can you do that for me?”

“Of course,” she agrees quickly, “I may have questions, but I can absolutely oversee that.”

We read while we finish our drinks and then freshen up in the bathroom. I rest back on the bed, waiting for her to get in so I can hold her, but when she gets in, she slings an arm over me and settles her head on my chest. I can smell her orchid shampoo, and it’s divine to me. Fresh, down to earth but with a surprisingly sweet, lingering smell you don’t expect.

I haven’t held a woman like this in years. It stirs feelings inside of me that reminds me of Mila. I feel guilty, as though I’m betraying her, but still, my arm wraps around Tori. I’m so confused. I didn’t want something emotional. This was meant to be a business transaction, after all.

I doze off thinking of Mila and Tori and what Mila would think about her.

When I wake up, Tori is already up and out of the room. I glance at my phone and then get up to shower and dress. I don’t see Tori at the breakfast table, and I assume she’s having breakfast in the office. I consider stopping in to say good morning, but my thoughts are still lingering on Mila from the night before, so I decide to go to the restaurant for breakfast and to see if my family members have any reports. I need to clear my head.

I know Evgeni and Leonid are there, and as I arrive, I find them eating fresh bread, jams, fruits, and coffee. They stand as I enter, and when I sit, they sit down.

“What’s the news?”

“That shipment is coming in sooner than expected,” Leonid comments. “I’ll be ready for it when it arrives.”

“I want to inspect it, so I’ll handle it,” I say, starting to butter some bread.

“That isn’t a good idea, Ivan. The point of having Evgeni and I is so that we can do these things for you.” Leonid is argumentative this morning, and I’m not in the mood.

I scowl at him. “Are you giving me orders now?”

“Not at all,” Leonid backtracks quickly. “But if I may say one thing….”

“It better not annoy me,” I comment, taking a bite of the bread.

“It’s just that since that Sorvino woman came into our family, it’s like you don’t trust us anymore,” Leonid glances at Evgeni, but he’s tactfully avoiding looking at both of us.

“Nothing has changed. As the head of the family, I can inspect my products whenever I like, is that understood?” I ask, to make my point I take one of the sharp knives and stab it into the table.
