Page 2 of Taking Arya

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“I could just cut back a little and—“

“No. When this all started, you said you were moving into the dorms to get the full college experience.”

Her gaze falls to her hands as she fiddles with the zipper on her backpack. “I love spending time with Hannah.”

I take another step closer. I don’t like that she’s nervous around me. I wish I could soothe her. I lay my hand over hers to stop the anxious movements.

Arya sucks in a quiet breath, but doesn’t look at me.

“You said your mom considers you a constant babysitter,” I say. “That you couldn’t wait to get out on your own.”

“That’s different. My brothers are annoying. Hannah is a dream. I’d babysit her for free.”

I’m not sure why my heart warms when she says that. I love my niece, but I had no hand in making her or raising her for the first four months of her life. That was all my sister. Still, warmth spreads in my chest.

And it’s in that moment that she looks up at me, eyes wide. And I can see the honesty of her statement right there in those brown eyes. Her sweetness draws me in and I can’t help but lean a little closer.

My gaze lowers to her mouth. When her pink tongue darts out, wetting her lower lip, a low throb starts in my groin. When I speak, my voice is too low, too raspy.

“Is that why no one’s been good enough to take over for you?”

She doesn’t answer for a moment. Her gaze lowers to my mouth and I wonder if she knows how badly I long to taste her, every part of her.


The word is breathy and I can’t help but wonder if she’s answering another question all together. Fuck. She’s such a temptation. But I promised myself I wouldn’t touch her until I was no longer her boss. Her gaze finally lifts to meet mine, but then falls away.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t see her. You can come visit whenever you want.”

“It’s not the same as taking care of her.”

“Arya.” I wait until she looks up at me. When I see tears gathering along her lower lids, I almost give in.

I blow out a breath and remind myself that if I push forward, then I’m no longer her boss. If we keep things as they are, I won’t be able to touch her. I need to touch her.

“If you don’t give me a recommendation, I’ll be forced to use my own judgment. I was lucky with you, but we both know that I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Her shoulders sag and she refuses to meet my gaze, but she finally gives in. “I’ll have a recommendation by the end of the week.”

When she finally looks up and finds me smiling, she frowns.



“Is that you, Ary?” Mom calls out.


“Good. I need you to—“


Mom reels back as if I’ve hit her. “What?”

“I said no. I watched Hannah all day. I’m not going to babysit all night as well.”

“But you said Hannah’s an easy baby.”

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