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I miss him. When I woke alone on Monday morning and my heart ached at his absence, I told myself it wasn’t a big deal. The feeling would wear off. But it hasn’t. It’s gotten worse.

I tried to call him, but no answer. He must be working overtime at the hospital. It’s nothing personal. Right? We each have our own lives and careers. I have plenty to keep me busy this week. I refocus my attention away from the multiple orgasms Rob gave me during our time together over the weekend.

Monday and Tuesday were spent reorganizing inventory for the upcoming summer spectacular event hosted by MTV. Today, I spent all day going over the books with my accountant and the upcoming month’s schedule. By the time I make it home, it’s after nine.

My apartment feels empty without Rob. He filled that space without effort, making it feel more like a home than it has since I moved in. I toss my purse on the couch just as the doorbell rings.

“Who the fuck...” I trudge to the door and peek out the peephole. Of course. I open the door for my brother. “When did you get back?”

“Yesterday, right before I called you to tell you I was home.”

Oh yeah, I forgot that.

He stands like a concrete pilar in my doorway. “Are you going to invite me in?”

“With that scowl on your face, no.” I sigh at the pathetic twitch of his lips and step aside, sweeping my arm wide in invitation. “Please, come in.”

He scans the apartment while I close and lock the door. “Is anyone here?”

“No. I just got home from work.” I push past him and open the refrigerator. “Want a drink?”

“I’m fine.”

“Suit yourself.” I grab the open bottle of chardonnay and pour a glass. “So what brings you over so late?”

“What the hell happened?” Arthur reaches out and touches my cheek.

“Nothing.” I shove his hand away. He’s always too protective, too observant, but I don’t feel like rehashing it right now.

“Bullshit, Marcy.” He puts his hands in his pockets, and his eyes narrow. “Rob came over for dinner.”

“Fuck.” I down my wine in one swallow.

“Anything you want to tell me?” His patience burrows a hole in my conscience.


“I’m your brother. You can’t hide this shit from me.” His tone softens. “Rob told me someone roughed you up.”

“Rob’s got a big mouth.”

“He came to your rescue, and he’s my friend. Why would you think he’d keep this from me?” Arthur cocks his head, studying me with his all too observant eyes. At my silence, he continues. “He told me he was here during the break-in too.”

“Oh great.” I twist the glass in my hand.

“Marcy, if you don’t feel safe here, you’re welcome to stay with me and Kate.” He clears his throat when overwhelming emotion seeps into the words. “You’re family, and I want you safe.”

“Thanks, but I’ll pass.” I fidget in my seat. “It’s too close to...”

Rob. I can’t bring myself to say it. It sounds stupid. I don’t want to sound weak and helpless. And I certainly don’t want Rob to think I’m desperate. Even if I do miss him, I can’t be that close. No matter how much I want him in my life and my bed.

“Too close to what?” Arthur presses.

“Nothing. Never mind.”

“No, it’s not nothing.” He sits on the couch beside me and takes my hand. “Whatever’s going on, you don’t have to face it alone. Kate and I love you too much to see you struggle in silence. Rob’s worried about you too.”

“Of course he is.” I meet my brother’s gaze.

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