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“What the hell were you thinking?” Arthur shakes me. “He could come at you with assault charges now.”

“He won’t.” I dab the blood from my face, wincing at the sting and the pulsing throb in my right hand.

“You don’t know that.” Arthur keeps his voice low as the lawyer approaches.

“Putting himself in the spotlight will only draw more attention to his imperfections.” I snort. “Guys like him are self-centered with egos the size of Mount Rushmore. I’d like to see him fucking press charges, then I’ll drag his name through the mud.”

Arthur shakes his head when the lawyer appears. “Let me do the talking.”


I manage to keep calm during the meeting. As I judged from the look on Marcy’s face, Vic’s team has already intervened and tried to sweep this “misunderstanding” under the rug. The lawyer doesn’t seem optimistic about the case should it come to court, unless there are other women who come forward with similar stories. If that were to become the case, then he would be more open to pursuing it.

We have our work cut out for us, but honestly, the only thing I care about right now is getting home to Marcy. The pain and fury etched on her beautiful face haunt me. I won’t rest until she’s safe in my arms again.

She’s the only thing that matters to me, and I’ll be damned if I let anyone else hurt her. I’ll rip the city apart if it ensures her protection.

I love her. And nothing will ever keep us apart.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“What the hell happened to you?” I rush across the room when Rob walks in the door. The right side of his face is swollen, and a dark purple shiner is forming around his eye. He winces when I cup his cheek to inspect the damage.

“Had a run-in with Vic Simmons at the lawyer’s.”

Bile bites the back of my throat at the mention of that name. “Did you hit him first?”

“Yes.” He grins.

“That was stupid. Now he’ll come after you.”

“I’d like to see him try.” He kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry he hurt you, baby.”

My heart pounds at the sweet gesture. “Sit down here.” I motion to the couch, then grab a bag of frozen veggies from the freezer and wrap them in a tea towel. “Here, put this on it.”

He presses the bag gingerly to the side of his face, focusing on me with his good eye. “Thanks.”

“I hope he walked away with one to match.” I gesture to his face.

“Better.” Rob grins like he won the lottery. “I broke the bastard’s nose.”

A gasp rips from my throat even as pride fills me. “You didn’t?”

“I did.” His grin fades to a self-satisfied smirk. “Caught him off guard too.” Rob flexes his right hand. “I think I fractured my metacarpals though.”

“Your what?”

“The bones in my hand.” He chuckles. “I think they’re broken.”

I shake my head. “You’re a mess.”

“Yeah, but I’m your mess now.” He pulls me close and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

My heart warms at the action. “You’re lucky I love you.”

“Luckiest man alive.” He flinches at the uncomfortable position.
