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Pulling back, I settle beside him and study his handsome face. “So what happened after I left? The lawyer didn’t seem too convinced we could win. Then Vic’s team showed up and offered a deal to keep it all quiet.”

“They’re trying to reach an agreement so we don’t take it to court.”

“Did the lawyer say we should take a deal?”

Rob exhales sharply, the sound of exhaustion echoing through the room. “At first, that’s exactly what he thought we should do. Then I offered some deeper insight into the charming Vic Simmons’s history.”

I nudge him with my elbow. “The suspense is killing me. Out with it.”

“Richards did some digging and found some unflattering records on Simmons. Old charges that were dismissed out of court. Probably paid off to keep their mouths shut.”

“How does that help me?” I pout at the disappointing revelation. “If he’s gotten away with this before, there’s no way in hell we’ll get him this time.”

“Not necessarily.” Rob lowers the ice pack and holds my gaze. “It establishes he has a history of this type of behavior. If we can find other women he’s assaulted, we might be able to throw a wider net. Plus, we have a witness who’s willing to testify on your behalf. That counts for something.”

“How are we going to find other victims? He travels extensively, and no one is going to want to air that kind of dirty laundry.” I bite the edge of my nail in a lame attempt to quell my rising anxiety.

“Richards is calling in a few favors. I’m sure he left a trail. Trust me”—Rob’s face softens—“he won’t get away with this, baby. I promise.”

“I do trust you.” I take his hand and kiss the reddened knuckles before placing the ice-cold bag on them. “But I can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

“Maybe it’s time we took your story public.”

The suggestion leaves me off-kilter.

“If you step forward, maybe it’ll encourage others to do the same.”

Fear lodges in my throat, choking me. Unwelcome memories flood me, and I pinch my eyes closed.

You’re safe. You’re safe. Breathe.

“Breathe, Marcy. Just breathe.”

When I open my eyes, Rob’s kind eyes are filled with compassion. “There you go. In. Out. In. Out. Breathe, baby.”

Slowly the panic subsides, and I’m able to focus again. “I don’t know if I can.”

“I won’t force you. This is your decision.” He licks his lips. “But if you take your story public, I guarantee others will come forward.”

“Who would run a story like that? Simmons’s powerful and popular and influential. No media outlet in their right mind would run the story.”

“They might if they were granted first rights to any information pertaining to the case and exclusive interviews.”

“You want me to parade myself in front of the press?”

Rob’s eyes darken two shades. “No. I don’t. I want to protect you as much as I can from these vultures.” He sighs. “But the truth is, if this goes to court, they’re going to start digging regardless, and it would be better for us to stay out in front of it.”

“Fuck.” My head droops.

Rob hooks his finger under my chin and lifts my gaze. “I have faith in you. Whatever happens, we’ll do this together.”

Tears prick my eyes. “What if it’s all for nothing and he gets away with it?”

“Could you live with the regret if you don’t follow through?”

I shake my head vehemently. “No, especially if he hurts someone else and I could have stopped him.” A sob sticks in my throat. “I can’t let that happen. Not while there’s a breath in my body.”

“I didn’t think so.” He wraps his arm around me and pulls me against his solid chest. “You have support. Me. Arthur and Kate. Donna and Liana. We’re all right here with you, all the way.”
