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We lift some weights and I think I manage to calm Damien down from his wobble. Damien calls it a night and I go to my room to shower. On my way I hear Chloe shouting for help. I run as fast as I can to her room. I find her in bed thrashing about crying. She’s having a nightmare again. “Hey Clo, it’s ok, it’s ok Chloe. You’re ok” I sit on the bed next to her, I have learnt my lesson. I won’t be picking her up. I reach out and touch her face. One of her hands grabs mine, then she sits bolt up right and punches me in the nose with the other. Ouch!! That f**king hurt. Chloe then opens her eyes realising what she has done. She climbs out of bed standing in front of me. “Oh my god Josh I’m so sorry, are you ok? Let me see.” She puts the bedside light on and………oh wow. My breath is taken away. Her hands cup my face as she looks at my nose. But I can’t take my eyes off her perfect, naked body. She checks me over for a minute and then looks at herself, realising her lack of clothing. “Hold on a minute. Why am I naked? What were you doing to me?” This dam woman. How dare she accuse me of such a thing. I can’t speak to her. I get up and leave the room before I bend her over that bed and f**k her into next week. Does she not realise how much she means to me. “Don’t you walk away from me Josh. Come back here, I want to talk to you!” I slam my bathroom door and get into the shower.


How dare he walk away from me. I put on my jeans and a vest top and I follow him into his bedroom. It’s empty. I walk into his bathroom without thinking and find him wet and soapy in the shower. The shower screen is steamed up but I can still make out the outline of his large muscular body. My eyes roam over him taking all of him in. Josh wipes the steam off the screen with one hand. Now I can see what stands at his groin. He is rock hard. “Come here Clo.” He instructs. I move closer to the shower. He steps out slightly, grabs my arm and pulls me under the water fully clothed. Pushing me against the wall he takes my hands in his and holds them above my head. He pushes himself into my crotch. I couldn’t move if I wanted to, which I don’t. “Do you see what you do to me?!” His voice is almost a growl, I feel the vibrations all through my body. “You drive me crazy.” His nose and lips brush against mine. “Do you want this Clo?” He pushes himself into me further. Oh my god do I want this? I can’t take my eyes from his, they’re deep and full of desire. I lean forward and take his lips in mine. He’s as hungry for me as I am for him. We kiss and explore each other’s mouths and it’s just as delicious as I imagined, if not more so. I’m still pinned to the wall with my hands above my head, the loss of control adds to my desire. He breaks our kiss, nose to nose he says “If we do this Clo, I will be marking you as mine. Complete fidelity on both parts. Do you understand me? Once we do this you belong to me. I do not share.” His words are everything that I would usually fight against. I have never belonged to anyone, never obeyed anyone, especially not a man. But right now, I would give my soul to the devil to have him inside me. “Take me, Josh!” As soon as I say those words it is like I have unveiled a beast. His alpha has been released and I am his prey ready for the taking. My top is pulled over my head, my jeans unfastened. Letting go of my hands, he crouches before me. Slowly removing my jeans he helps me out of them. His hands trail up my body as he stands. Tingles run through me following his touch. Our lips meet again and we devour each other. I want more, I need more. I push my body into him. His hands squeeze my bum, he lifts me, and my legs automatically wrap around him. My back is against the tiled wall. It’s cold, which adds to the many sensations my body is already feeling. Josh rubs his hard length between me. I’m so hot and ready for him. I don’t think I can hold out for much longer. Josh holds my jaw stopping me from moving my head “look at me!” I don’t take my eyes from his. He watches me intensely as he slides in. A wave of something incredible rips through my body, it’s pleasure, emotion, fulfilment. I watch Josh’s eyes as they turn a darker shade of blue. He makes me feel like I’m the sexiest woman on the planet. With every thrust he goes deeper, stretching and filling me with the most delightful burn. We touch and explore each other’s bodies while still remaining eye contact. I’m almost at my climax as Josh begins to quicken his pace. I know he is almost there, so I let myself lose control. It starts in my toes, shaking and tingling working it’s way up my legs. The heat and pulse then explode between my legs, squeezing the hard length inside me. Josh now loses control, his body tenses, he’s pounding so hard. It’s slower and forceful, it’s incredible. His eyes grow even darker until they roll back in his head. He then let’s out the sexiest noise I have ever heard. “F**k, Clo. What have you done to me.” He rests his head on my shoulder. I put my arms around him and kiss his neck, still shaking from the most intense orgasm. After a minute he puts me down, still holding me as I’m a little off balance. Josh turns off the shower, steps out and gets a towel which he holds out for me. He is still standing completely naked and wet through. Mmmm I could definitely have another go on that. I step out and let him wrap me up. We dry ourselves off, both catching each other’s eyes and giving each other a little smirk as we do. I can’t believe what just happened. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted this to happen. I’ve dreamed of this happening, but I just can’t believe it happened now, tonight. Josh climbs into his bed and holds the covers back for me. I shrug, why not. I climb in the crisp white sheets and snuggle up to him. We share a few kisses and then fall asleep in each other’s arms.


I’ve done it again. I’ve fallen asleep without even trying and slept for 6 hours. I must be careful. I too have nightmares where I can thrash out. I’d hate to hurt Chloe while I was asleep. I am shocked at how easily I have fallen asleep.

Chloe stirs at the side of me. She is incredible. God, I think back to last night in the shower. That wasn’t how I wanted our first time to be. But f**k she blew my mind. She’s a stubborn, sexy, argumentative little minx and I can’t get enough of her. I hope I wasn’t too rough with her. I couldn’t help myself, she drives my body crazy. Those piercing green eyes see into my soul. Her dark shiny hair, olive skin and freckles. She’s a perfect beauty. My manhood is awake and wanting more, her scent is turning me on. I need a distraction. She’s too peaceful to disturb and I want to be here when she wakes up. I decide to stay in bed and work from my phone. Another hour or so passes and Chloe wakes up. She’s got a smile on her face that matches mine. “Good morning baby how did you sleep?” I turn on my side to face her. I run my fingers down her side, watching the goosebumps arise following my touch. “I slept ok, apart from when you were snoring.” She rolls her eyes and turns putting her back to me with a smirk on her face. I do not snore. Well I don’t think I do. I pull the covers off her to reveal her perfect body. That ass. “Hey! I’m cold!” She giggles trying to pull the covers back. I wrap my body around her, pressing my length into her bum crack. “I’ll warm you up baby!” Chloe sighs and pushes her body back into mine. I think we are a go for morning love making. I begin by kissing the side of her neck. The little appreciative noises she makes are sexy as hell. I massage her shoulders, back and bum. I can sense her arousal is peaking, so I turn her head and roll her on her back. I place my body over the front of hers. She feels amazing, our skin to skin. My needy girl keeps pushing her body into me. I need to savour this though, for a little longer yet. I sit up with my legs either side of hers. Chloe grabs my length and begins to pump. “No Clo. Not yet.” I remove her hands and place them both above her head. “Keep them here.” My hands caress her body. Rubbing and squeezing. My mouth kisses and tastes, until I can’t do anything more than get inside her. I’m gentle and slower this time. I stroke myself through her a few times and then sink in. I watch her facial expressions as do. I’m at the peak of arousal and I need to devour her. Chloe’s hands roam my body. Her touch is electric. The groans and noises coming from my mouth are sounds I’ve never heard from myself before. She does this to me. She makes me lose control. “My god Josh!” My name on her lips sends me into ecstasy. “Come with me baby!” We both convulse, scream and consume each other. It’s hot as hell.

We hold each other until our bodies calm down. I roll off her and slide out realising something. “I’m so sorry Clo. I haven’t used protection.” Chloe smiles at me and strokes my face, I kiss the palm of her hand, her touch is magical. “It’s ok, I’m on the pill and I’m clean.”

“Good, but I shouldn’t have assumed. You make me so crazy Clo, I lose all common sense when I’m around you. And I’m clean too, it’s been a long time.” Why did I tell her that. What is happening to me. Whenever I’m around her I lose control of my senses. I need to get a grip. I’m turning into Damien. F**k. “What are your plans for today?”

“I think I’m just going stay here. Use the gym, go for a swim have a relax in the garden. I’ll see what Bella is doing.”

“Ok, I’ve got to go in the office today. Promise me if you change your plans, you will tell me?” Clo looks at me with her disobedient look.

“Josh you do not need to babysit me. I am perfectly fine.”

“Don’t fight me on this Clo, I just want to know where you are.”

“Fine, if I go out I’ll let you know. But I’m not going anywhere so no need to worry. And on that note, I’m off.” She jumps out of bed. Puts on her jeans and top and leaves the room, blowing me a kiss as she closes the door. I chuckle. What a woman.

I’m glad Chloe is staying here. I’ve got some things to do today that can’t wait so I can’t watch out for her. I would have got one of the guys to tail her if needed but I don’t trust anyone as much as I trust myself to protect her. The Manor House is like Fort Knox so I’m happy with that.

Damien’s taken Bella for a scan this morning so I’m on my own dealing with a nightmare situation. We have 3 teams of men. There are 2 shifts of 12 hours. The purpose of having 3 teams is so there will always be a few guys in case of emergency, back up and sickness. Last night 2 of my teams decided to go out for a curry for one of the lad’s birthdays. 80% of them have now got food poisoning and are fit for nothing. I’m livid. They’ve put people’s lives and my business at major risk with this brainless decision. I can’t trouble Damien this morning, but I hope he hurries up.

I spend the morning rearranging and reducing teams, we have most jobs covered to some extent. When I eventually get a minute to think, my mind goes straight to Chloe. Her storming into my bathroom. I’d gone in there to cool off. Her argumentative and stubbornness drive me mad, but turn me on like someone possessed. I have never felt like this about anyone. It’s insane. I check my phone and see a message from her.

CHLOE: Thanks for last night and this morning. It was just what I needed xx

What?! Thanks!? I hope she doesn’t think this was a one off. There’s no going back from this now. It’s sounds crazy, but I meant it when I said she is mine now.


Wow. I feel incredible. Josh was everything I imagined and more. I felt things I never had with anyone else. Not that I’ve been in a serious relationship before. I’ve dated a lot and been with guys for a while, but no one I could see any future with. I’m not sure I see a future with Josh. He infuriates me when he tries to control me and expects me to do everything he asks. But I can’t get enough of him. I already miss him. My body craves his touch. I’ve text him but he hasn’t replied. He said last night in the shower that I had to agree to be his, to fidelity. I agreed as I was so hungry for him. I’m not sure whether it was just some strange dirty talk he likes or whether he actually meant it. Each to their own, it worked for me.

I’m in the gym running my ass off. I hadn’t thought of the shooting incident since yesterday. Josh had completely taken over my mind. The sickness and guilt feeling return. I can’t stop thinking about what I could have done to stop Tyler being killed.

My phone pings with a message. I stop the treadmill and get off. I’m wet through. My legs are jelly. I’ve been on it for over an hour and I think I’ve overdone it. It’s a message on Facebook. It’s Tyler’s grandma. She wants to meet me. I’m not sure it’s a good idea or what I will say to her, but it’s the least I can do I suppose. I have a shower and get dressed. I pull up to the manor gates in my yellow mini, well it was Bella’s but she gave it to me. I wouldn’t have chosen yellow but it reminds me of her, so I love it. There’s only one security guard on today and he lets me out no questions asked. I suddenly remember the promise I made to Josh about letting him know if I went out. I will let him know when I get there as my phone is in my bag in the back. To be honest I bet the manor security are on the phone to him now grassing me up anyway. Honestly, I can’t cope with this. The sooner I find my own place the better.

Chapter 4


Tyler’s grandma wants to meet me in the coffee shop down the road from the youth centre. I need to drive past the centre to get to the coffee shop. As I approach, I can feel my heart beating in my chest. I don’t get anxious so this is an unusual experience. I suppose this is how Bella feels. She has always suffered from anxiety. The centre is cordoned off with police tape. There are 2 policemen standing outside. I continue down the road trying to keep it together. I find a parking space outside the coffee shop, and go in. I’m not sure what Tyler’s grandma looks like, and I’m a bit early, so I assume she’s not here yet. I get a latte, find a table in the back and message her to say I’m here. I have no idea what I am going to say to this woman. What if she gets angry with me for not saving him. He was my responsibility after all. I wouldn’t blame her.

A woman looking lost with puffy eyes walks in. I give her a wave and she walks over “Chloe?”

“Yeah I’m Chloe. Let me get you a drink.” I stand and she asks for a tea. I order and bring it back to our table. “Thank you for meeting me. I know this must be difficult for you. The police told me how wonderful you were with all the children and that Tyler unfortunately couldn’t be helped.” Both of our eyes fill with tears, I give her hand a squeeze while she composes herself.

“I just need to understand what happened and why. The police have been very vague in what they have told me.”

Joan is the lady’s name and she reminds me so much of my grandma. She too brought Tyler up by herself. Tyler’s mum had been a teenager when he was born and had left him with her. My mother had passed away shortly after I was born. Tyler hadn’t known his father either like myself, so he’d unfortunately looked for that male influence in the wrong people. We talk for a couple of hours. Joan tells me stories of Tyler growing up and I share my experiences of him clowning around and cheering everyone up. I’ve told Joan all that happened. I’m not sure whether it has helped or not but I’m glad I came. I decide to get another coffee when she leaves. I sit and people watch for a while.

I’m about to get up and leave when I feel a presence behind me. Someone puts their mouth to my ear, and I feel something hard poke me between my shoulder blades.
