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“I’m not driving anywhere, if that’s what you’re asking. My place is just across the courtyard.”

He looked at the double glass doors.

“Above the bookshop, I’m guessing.”

“There’s an apartment across the courtyard. Finn and Amanda live there, and I live in the studio above.”

Another way her stepbrother and his fiancée had saved her. They could have easily rented the studio for a good price. Instead, they’d offered it to her for a song, enabling her to pour even more of her own money into The Flower Bell.

Grant stood, towering over her.

“I’ll walk you to your door.”

“It’s literally across the courtyard.”

“It’s still New York City. The courtyard is dark, your stepbrother is busy and you’ve had at least two glasses of wine to drink.” He crossed his arms. “It’s non-negotiable.”

She resisted rolling her eyes. Some things, at least, didn’t change. Even all those years ago, he’d been steadfast in walking her home, opening the door for her, little things that back then had made her feel cared for.

Now it grated on her. She’d been so willing to let everyone take care of her in the past. But she’d grown up a lot. She’d lived in a couple of rundown apartments with nothing but a dead bolt between her and some nasty residents in the early years after her father’s conviction.

Grant wouldn’t care that she’d held her own against mean drunks and lecherous louts. He’d argue with her until she was blue in the face, and she didn’t have the energy for any more drama tonight.

“Fine. Thanks,” she added grudgingly.

She dropped the glass off in the kitchen and waved good-night to Amanda, who was still behind the register. Amanda glanced at Grant and then arched a brow. Alexandra gave her a reassuring smile in return and a thumbs-up as she and Grant stepped out into the quiet darkness of the courtyard.

The glass doors closed behind them, shutting out the music and conversation. Rain had turned to a light mist as she crossed the courtyard, Grant two steps behind her. She tried to ignore the uptick in her heartbeat, the quickening of her breathing, the awareness dancing through her veins. It didn’t help that, with the noise of the bookshop gone and the only sound the distant hum of New York traffic, the courtyard was suddenly a very intimate space.

They were halfway across when thunder cracked across the sky. A second later rain poured down in sheets. Alexandra yelped in surprise as the icy-cold downpour drenched her. Grant grabbed her hand and dragged her across the cobblestones onto the tiny covered porch outside Finn and Amanda’s apartment.

Alexandra stared out at the rain before glancing at Grant. She couldn’t have held back her laughter if she’d tried. His perfectly styled hair was soaked, plastered to his forehead as he glowered at the rain.

“Something funny?”

His growl only made her laugh harder.

“I’m sorry,” she gasped as she leaned against the brick wall. “It’s looked so perfect back there and now...”

“Now I look like a drowned cat?”

Just like that, her mirth disappeared as his lips curved into a ghost of the smile she’d fallen in love with all those years ago. It was a smile that had set her body on fire and made her heart soar.

He’s your boss now, she sternly reminded herself.Not your lover. Not anymore.

“Something like that.” She nodded to the pouring rain. “Finn has an umbrella inside his hall closet. I’ll grab it for you.”

“I don’t need an umbrella.”

“I didn’t need to be walked across the courtyard, but here we are,” she replied cheerfully as she pulled her key out of her back pocket. “Give me just a moment.”

She hurried inside and pulled Finn’s umbrella out of the hall closet. She started to smooth her wet hair off her face but stopped herself. What difference did it make what she looked like?

She stepped back out onto the porch. Heat scorched her cheeks as her eyes traveled from the state of his formerly styled hair to his body. His wet sweater had adhered to his chest, outlining every curve of muscle in lurid detail. Her lips parted as she remembered how he’d cradled her against his body after they’d first made love, her fingers curling in the dark hair on his chest as he’d traced his fingers across her shoulder, up and down her arm, over her belly. Each featherlight caress had simultaneously soothed the thundering of her heart while stoking the little flames left burning in the aftermath of their passion.

“Um, here.”

She handed him the umbrella, keeping her eyes focused on the falling rain and off his perfectly toned abs.
