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Grant stared down at Alexandra. When had she turned into such a captivating temptress? Their lovemaking before had been sweet, tender and gentle. Never had she been this bold, this daring. He’d loved her that summer, introducing her to physical pleasure and worshipping her body.

But this, this was something familiar and yet entirely new. Something he couldn’t have turned away from him even if he’d wanted to. He needed not just the physical release of sex but the connection of unifying with a past lover who had known him, all of him.

An unwelcome thought infiltrated the haze of his desire. What if this bewitching side of her had developed over the years as she’d explored her sexuality with other lovers? The thought made him see red as jealousy wrapped around his heart and squeezed. Unreasonable, given that he’d had two lovers of his own since they’d parted. But he could barely stomach it. The image of another man touching her body made him want to hunt the phantom down and wrap his hands around his throat.

Dimly, he became aware of Alexandra’s hold around his neck loosening. The boldness in her eyes flickered, uncertainty creeping across her face. His hands came up, fingertips gliding over her hips and grazing the sides of her breasts with a touch as light as butterfly wings. A touch that reassured her that he wanted her even as it reassured him that, no matter what had happened, Alexandra was with him now. If there was a time for revisiting the past, it would be later. Not now, not when he had her naked in his arms.

He reveled in the parting of her lips, her eyes widening, her breath quickening as his hands moved around to her back, still caressing with the barest of touches. His desire swelled, the sensitive tip grazing her stomach.

“I want you, too.”

His hands grasped her about the waist. She gasped, her hands bracing on his shoulders as he lifted her up and draped her across the bed. She reached for him, but he stepped back, a slight smile on his lips to show her he wasn’t going far. But given how she’d nearly made him lose control, he had to return the favor before he completely surrendered.

The moonlight lit up his bed and made Alexandra’s skin glow. Her hair lay in a thick mahogany curtain beneath her. Her breasts, so often hidden beneath those damned T-shirts, were round and fuller than they had been. She’d grown into her womanhood, her body filling out with seductive curves that begged for his hands to explore every inch. He moved to the bed, watching as her breasts rose and fell, her nipples tightening into points.

Slowly, he climbed up on the bed, caging her between his arms but keeping distance between them. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the swell of one breast. She arched up, silently pleading for a firmer touch. He resisted the temptation to rush. He’d waited nine years for this moment. He would be damned if he didn’t enjoy all of it.

He continued his kisses over her breasts, kissing and gently nipping all around her nipples. Her body shifted, hands fisting in the silk sheets as she made tiny sounds of frustration.

“Please, Grant.”

He raised his head and waited for her to look at him before giving her a wolfish smile.

“Since you said please.”

Before she could utter a retort, he leaned down and sucked one hardened nipple into his mouth. She cried out and arched off the bed.


He made love to her breasts with his mouth, still holding himself above her, not trusting himself to press his naked body against hers until he was ready to slide into her welcoming heat. He kissed and sucked and nibbled his way down between the valley of her breasts, across the slight swell of her stomach and down to her thighs.


This time her voice held a hint of doubt. He looked up and held her gaze with his.

“I won’t if you don’t want me to, Alexandra. But,” he added as he brought one finger up and slid it along the delicate seam of her wet folds, “I hope you want me to kiss you as much as I want to taste you.”

The silver moonlight revealed the delicate pink that crept over her cheeks even as she smiled, shyness tangling with that audacious new boldness. Seeing a glimpse of her old demureness reassured him. He had changed. Alexandra had changed. But there were still threads of who they used to be beneath the surface. He still didn’t have the answers, would probably never know what had happened all those years ago.

But some of it had been real. And right now that was enough.

One hand came up and cupped his cheek. The soft touch traveled through him, barreling through his defenses and seizing hold of whatever emotions had been reawakened the night of her attack.

Emotions better left under lock and key if he wanted to avoid getting hurt again.

“Yes, Grant.”

His hands clenched on her hips like a vise, pinning her in place as he lowered his head to her most vulnerable place. His first kiss elicited a moan that he hoped wasn’t heard by the guests, although a reckless part of him didn’t care if it was. Jessica and his housekeeper Sara were available if the guests needed anything, giving him the incredible opportunity of forgetting everything but the woman beneath him.

His fleeting thought of concerned guests disappeared as he was filled with the scent of her, the sweet taste of her desire for him. He trailed his lips over her most sensitive skin, used his tongue to bring her to the height of pleasure as she writhed beneath him, her fingers moving through his hair, over his face, grasping at his shoulders as she gasped and whimpered and begged.

He didn’t relent, not even as her hips started to pump against his mouth, her cries growing as her thighs clenched around his head. She grabbed a pillow and pressed it over her face just as her back bowed off the bed and her body shuddered with a powerful release.

As she slowly relaxed back into the welcoming embrace of the bed, he reached into his end table and said a silent prayer of thanks when his fingers brushed against a condom packet. He ripped open the package, sheathed himself and then lowered himself onto the bed, pulling the pillow off her face as he pressed his naked body flush against hers. Her molten core cradled his thickness, her heat nearly undoing him.

“I need to be inside you.”

Her eyes were glazed, her lips still parted, but as soon as she nodded, he pressed inside her slowly, savoring the sensation of her tight wetness closing around him.
