Page 56 of Mafia Fire

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“Me? Why me?” I stand on tiptop to see where he’s pointing. “Oh my.”

Just past a gate in the wall stands an eclectic group of women from all walks of life with two undeniable things in common. They are all stunningly gorgeous. And they’re all impeccably dressed.

I glance down at my jeans and hoodie, the outfit I was wearing when I passed out from the champagne I’d downed after my nerves were shaken by the man on the path. I haven’t told Cannon or Booker about Mad Max’s visit yet. I don’t want to. I’ve already caused enough trouble. Besides, when am I ever alone now? I’ll just be extra careful.

It’ll be fine.

My outfit choice on the other hand… is not.

I’m not only underdressed, I’m a mess from sitting so long on the plane. My hair is a fan of tangles around my face and I try to smooth them down, only to have my attention drawn to the fact that I chipped one of my nails on the flight.

“Oh God. Do I look alright?” I tug on the end of a loose lock of hair.

He reaches up, untangling my finger from my hair. “You look stunning. You always look stunning.”

The way he’s staring at me brings heat to my face. “That’s… sweet. Thank you.”

Cannon—who never seems to miss a thing and reads me like Booker reads classics—gives me a demanding stare. “Are you okay?”

I go to answer but before I can, I feel a tug on my arm, and Charlie’s sweet voice is like the tinkle of silver bells in my ear. “Kylie, come! You have to meet the Beauties. You’re going to love them.”

Emilia grabs my other arm. “I can’t believe you let me sleep the whole way! We could have been chatting that whole plane ride. I was so excited to see what you thought about Cannon’s surprise trip.”

“The trip he planned in order to lure me into becoming one of you all?” I ask.

Charlie gives an innocent laugh. “Don’t be silly! He invited you along as his plus one. Didn’t he tell you? We’re here for the Benefit Ball.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“It’s the Hamlet’s annual charity auction. The family offers services then does their best to outbid one another. The profits are enough to run a nursing home in the next town over for an entire year. Paige, Bronson’s wife, used to be a nurse in her pre-Bachman life but now volunteers at the local homes. Knowing how few resources they have, she demanded Bronson help her do something about it. After the auction, we get all dressed up and have dinner and dancing to celebrate. And that’s how the Benefit Ball and Auction began.”

“That’s amazing. My grandmother would approve. She has a fear of being put into a nursing home, but I told her I would never let that happen,” I say. Nonna could be here with us if she wasn’t so busy with her fancy new life at Fire.

I give Cannon a passing glance as I’m tugged away. Disappointment lines his eyes at my departure, but isn’t this what he wanted? Me to be tamed by these women, to see if this is the life I want?

“Save me a dance?” I call out as I go.

His perfect lips form a stunning grin. “Hell, yes.”

Let’s hope the night can pass without either of our fuses setting off.

Emilia says, “Would you like to participate in the auction? You must have some hidden talents.”

I think of the playroom and hold in a giggle. “Um. No. I’ve worked in a pharmacy, and I’ve taken care of my grandmother.”

Charlie says, “There must be something. I’m sure you’re a woman of many talents.”

I remember my focus and passion before Cannon woke the sex monster in me. “Oh, and I love to clean.”

“There you go!” Charlie approves. “They aren’t allowed to have outside labor come in, so everyone cleans their own houses. I’m sure they would love to have someone come in and clean.”

“I love to organize as well. I could offer a closet redo, a pantry makeover.” Dopamine floods my brain, just thinking of walking into a messy room and setting it straight. “Everyone has a corner of their home that needs tidying.”

“Perfect,” Emilia says. “Here’s Paige now.”

A tiny pixie of a woman with full curves comes rushing over to me, her dark hair cut in a sleek, trendy bob around her pretty face. “Emilia! Charlie!” She greets the women with a kiss on each cheek before turning to me. “And you must be the infamous Kylie Barone.” She slips her bubblegum-pink lacquered fingernails into my hand, giving it a demure shake. “I’ve heard sooo much about you.”

Infamous? What can she mean by that? What has she heard? Paige stares up at me with big round eyes, waiting for me to answer.
