Page 22 of Mafia Beast

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Books. Is there any better pleasure in this world? And to have access to such a gorgeous collection, each book bound in leather with gold gilding the pages, is almost heaven. I’ve missed Emilia’s library at Liam’s house. I don’t think I’ve picked up a book since I returned to the Village. I’m so lost in my little world, I forget all about the upcoming appointment.

My stomach sinks when there’s a light tap on the frame of the door.

Ashely’s sweet voice draws me out of my story. “Charlie? Dr. Williams is ready for you now.”

Remembering my page number, I carefully close the book and set it on the table beside the now empty mug. I go to clear it away, but Ashely stops me. “Oh, no, no. Please. Leave that. We’ll get it later.” She hurries around me, standing between me and the table, physically blocking me from picking up the cup.

She takes her job very seriously. “Um, where are we doing this?” I ask, glancing around the library.

She gives me a bright smile. “We have a full medical wing in the west end of the castle. Nikolaos and I have done everything we can to make it as comfortable as possible. I think you’ll be pleased.”

“You have a full medical room? Of course you do. Nikolaos is a Bachman, after all. And if Bachmans are anything, it’s over-the-top.”

“I know. And I absolutely adore it.” She slips out of her professional demeanor for just a moment, the confession slipping from her lips. “What I wouldn’t give to be a Beauty.”

“It’s wonderful,” I say.

She flushes, looking as if she’s feeling like she’s crossed a line. “Let’s go. Wouldn’t want to keep Dr. Williams waiting.” She flutters from the room, and I follow behind her.

Would she want Nikolaos to be the Bachman to make her a Beauty? I shove the thought away. Good for her if she does. I had my chance with him. I could have taken him up on any one of the offers he made in his phone calls to go out with him.

The medical wing looks like none I’ve ever seen. I’m taken to a sunny room with a big window facing the lake, hung with fluttery curtains. There’s another roaring fire in a deep stone fireplace. There’s a brass-framed bed, the head of it lifted up in a reclining position. Several soft looking quilts lay neatly over the bed, their star patterns formed from brightly colored triangles. Tucked to the side is standard medical equipment, but in such a pleasant room they don’t seem so sterile.

A friendly looking woman with copper ringlets and a bright smile waits for me on a wing-backed chair. She’s wearing a floral dress. Have to say, I love the pattern. It’s different shades of pink roses, their petals threaded with gold.

I like her even more.

She stands, offering me her hand. “Hello, Charlie! Lovely to meet you. I’m Dr. Williams, but you can call me Tanesha if that makes you feel more comfortable. I’d like to start with us just sitting in front of the fire chatting if that’s alright with you. I prefer an old school, midwife approach to gynecology. A more comfy, natural approach, while still keeping up with all the cutting-edge research in my field. But if you’d feel better with me wearing a white lab coat and calling me doctor, we can shift to a more clinical feel.”

“No. Please. This is just perfect. Comfy and cozy. I love it.” I take a seat in the empty chair across from her. “Thank you for coming all this way. I’m sorry you had to travel for me.”

She shakes her head, waving her hands in front of her, dismissing my apologies. “Please. I’m thrilled to be here. Nikolaos is a personal friend of mine and after hearing what you’ve gone through, I’m very happy to be here for you. Can you tell me a little more about yourself?”

We go through some pleasant small talk that eases into my medical history. Then we get to the hard part, but I find talking to another woman about what happened a relief, not a burden. When I finish telling her my story, I feel lighter somehow.

She speaks gently and slowly. “I’m going to run some blood tests, check you out, but honestly, the issue you had is usually a one-time-only thing. I know the experience was absolutely devastating, but I want you to know it’s highly unlikely that the same thing would happen to you a second time.”

The breath I’ve been holding since she started talking releases slowly from my lungs. “Really?”

“Really, really.” She gives my hand a reassuring pat. “If you’d like, we can dive deeper, do some genetic testing as well to put your mind at ease if you’d like to try and conceive again.”

Try and conceive? I shake my head. “We weren’t… trying.”

Her voice is soft as she places a gentle hand over mine. “Would you like to have a baby one day?”

More than anything in this world, Dr. Williams. My hand goes to my belly, thinking of the warm, happy, magical feeling that came over me when that little plus sign popped up. “One day, I would like to.”

“Then let’s do all the tests. Why not?” After the exam, she assures me everything looks healthy, and she’ll get back to me with the results of the testing as soon as she can.

Now that the appointment is over, what happens next? Does Nikolaos take me back to the mainland or do I go on my own? The thought of walking into my dark house alone makes my stomach drop.

It’s just so warm here with the fireplaces. And the cocoa. And the books.

Would anyone miss me if I just snuck back into the library?

I’m padding down the hall, sneaking back to the library, when the sound of a scream grabs my attention. I run to the nearest window to see if I hear it again. A moment later, I do. High pitched and filled with fear, it’s definitely the scream of a woman. The sound runs through me, sending shivers down my spine. Hearing it for the second time, I can’t deny what I’ve heard.

It sounds like it’s coming from near the lake.
