Page 4 of Mafia Beast

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“You might not have any of the night left if you don’t calm down.” I’m careful to keep my gaze away from where Charlie hides, not wanting him to know we have a visitor.

“Ha.” He takes a step toward me. “Is that a challenge?”

Mistake. He’s young and overconfident. Two things that can get a person killed around here. And he’s getting agitated. Agitation is bad. It makes people do impulsive things. Our deal is very temperamental, dancing on a wire. It doesn’t need the added weight of impulsivity. When I first met this kid, my gut told me to pass on him. But it’s hard to find the connections we need in the world we’re trying to enter.

I’ll have to take my chances. But I can’t deal with this prick with Charlie here. What I really want to do is deal with Charlie.

I hate the thought of missing a shipment. The thought of delaying tears at my gut. For whatever reason, since the first time I laid eyes on Charlie Bachman, she’s moved to the forefront of my thoughts. Tonight, she comes first.

She’ll have to be taught a lesson. She, like every other Beauty here tonight, knows not to get involved in back-alley disputes. Now I’m feeling agitated, my hand itching to discipline her generous curves.

I glance from his patchy-bearded face back to her corner. I need to be rid of him. But if he gets pissed off and tries to act tough, I’ll have to hurt him. I don’t want to do that in front of Charlie.


His eyes flash as he slips his hand into his pocket, no doubt to retrieve a weapon to threaten me with. I need to react, but now, with the little mermaid having come to spy on me, everything I’ve built is at risk.

I step toward him, locking a hand around one of his shoulders and grabbing his wrist before he can pull his hand from his pocket. Keeping my mouth close to his ear and my voice low, I tell him exactly what will happen to him if he doesn’t turn around and walk away. Right now.

“What about our deal?” he growls back.

“It’s off for now. I’ll be in touch. Take care of the goods until I can get them, or I swear, this night will be your last.” I dig my fingers into his shoulder before giving him a shove toward the street. “Go. Now.”

His youthful overconfidence dances in his irises. He’s deciding whether he’s going to try to do something stupid to keep his ego from getting bruised, or instead save his body from the bruises that will come with his obstinance.

I round my shoulders and give him a glare to help him make up his mind.

“Fine.” He shoots me a look of disgust before turning on his heel. “I’ll be in touch.”

Now, to deal with my naughty Beauty.

There’s a skittering sound from behind the gate — red-soled sparkly stilettos hitting pavement in an attempt to get back to the party before me. Does she really think she’s gotten away with her little adventure?

How to play this…

Call her name? Creep up on her and surprise her? See the terror on her face when she realizes she’s been caught. Her full lips falling open in shock. Plan B makes my cock throb.

Surprise it is.

Without a sound I move toward the partially opened gate. She’s pressing her thumb against the security panel, trying to get the second gate to open, the one that would let her escape to the safety of the Village. I installed a manual lock on it when I came out here to meet the punk so family members could get out, but no one could get in until I reset it.

I watch with amusement as she frantically pushes her thumb on the pad over and over. Wait for it… three… two… one… Her lovely face turns over her shoulder to findme.

And there it is. The shamefully sexy look of being caught. A flush instantly rises in her cheeks, her beautiful eyes going wide as saucers. Her full lips, stained a deep red for the occasion, fall open, and I go hard as a rock knowing in just a moment, I’ll be using them as part of her punishment.

“Naughty girl.” My deep voice rumbles through the small enclosure. I pull the gate to the street closed behind me. The whir of the mechanics purrs through the night as it locks. Now it’s just me and her locked in between the two gates, thick stone walls on either side of us. “Putting your nose where it doesn’t belong, and now you’re trapped.”

She flips around, pressing her back against the tall black gate. Her palms curl around the iron bars of the gate behind her. She shakes her head, stammering her excuses while inching her way over to the wall. “I was on the balcony overlooking the street. I just… I heard voices and…”

“And you thought you’d come down here and explore?”

Her pearly white teeth sink into her bottom lip, and she nods.

Brave of her to come out and admit it. Not try to make up some elaborate excuse about how she dropped an earring. “Honesty. I like it. But please, use your words.”

“I was… curious, sir.”

Sir.My cock pulses at the word. I love a good girl who knows how to correctly address the man she’s in trouble with.
