Page 62 of Mafia Beast

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“Yes.” She nods. “Around sixteen to twenty-four weeks.”

Nikolaos beams. “I can’t wait to put my hand on your belly and feel the kick of our baby girl.”

“Girl?” I shoot him a curious look. Did he see something on the screen that I missed? “How do you know it’s a girl?”

He gives a big shrug. “I just know. I’ve known since that little pink plus sign showed up.”

“You do know that all the tests are pink, right? Pink doesn’t mean a girl. It just tells you you’re pregnant,” I say.

“I know.” He gives a lopsided grin. “But just wait and see. I’m right.”

“Wellll….”Dr. Williams gets a sly smile on her face. “I mean, it’s really early to be determining these things, but Nikolaos does own the most advanced ultrasound machine on the market, sooo… if you want to know what I think you’re having, I’d be happy to give you my best guess.”

We came straight here after getting the positive test. We haven’t had the capacity to discuss gender reveals. I glance up at Nikolaos. “Do we want to know?”

“Hell yes, we do. I need to know if I’m buying a pink or blue four-wheeler for the property.”

“No four-wheelers,” I laugh. “But yes. Tell us. What do you think?”

Dr. Williams stares at the screen for a moment, then beams at Nikolaos. “You’re right, daddy. Best I can tell, you two are having a girl.”

“Oh my gosh. A little girl.” My mind instantly fills with mommy-daughter talks, daddy-daughter dances, and, of course, pink floral prints.

“Told you. See, we already have a connection.” He leans down, his breath rustling my hair. “And she told me to tell you she already loves you.”

“Oh my.” I dab at the tears welling in my eyes. “You really are sweet, aren’t you?”

“The sweetest.” He kisses the top of my head.

I glance up at him, loving the look on his face as he stares at our baby on the screen. “I love you.”

“Love you too, baby.”

After Dr. Williams leaves, he books a boat to take us to the mainland, to go straight to the city. He takes me to Clara’s Children’s Boutique, the family’s kids’ clothing store, a brownstone on the exterior wall of the Village.

Every single item and article of clothing that I give so much as an “aww” or second glance, he buys. The staff packs everything up in pink tissue paper and white boxes to send back to the island for us. Then, he takes me to lunch at Buon Cibo,a little Italian restaurant the family likes to frequent. The chicken parmesan is everything I’ve been craving.

For dessert we hit Lush. We sit sipping our coffees—he triple-checked with the barista that mine was decaf before he handed it to me—and taste testing chocolates. He hates chocolate but he’s more than happy to accompany me and keep half of the sweets in front of him, so I don’t look like such a pig.

He’s such a sweetheart.

When I’ve had my fill, he has the leftovers boxed up to take home, knowing how much I miss Lush. Honestly, I looove my friends, I love New York, but I really don’t miss living in the city. The quiet peace of Dark Island soothes my soul. The fun of the adventure of living in a castle hasn’t yet worn off and I don’t think it ever will.

We sit for a moment, relaxing in the cute chocolate shop. I twist my ring around my finger, a new habit I’ve acquired.

He looks down at my ring. “So, how soon can we make that happen?”

My hand goes to my belly. “I don’t know. Now with our amazing surprise on the way… should we marry before or after baby comes?”

“There’s no question. Before.” His brows go sky high, his tone dropping into the non-negotiable zone. “You will be my wife when you have my baby.”

“Okay, okay.” I laugh. “We’ll marry before.”

“If I had my way, we’d already be married,” he grumbles.

“We need time to plan a wedding. There’s a lot that goes into such a big event,” I say.

“I’m not going to relax till I get a wedding band on your finger. I have a way to make it happen without stressing you out.”
