Page 32 of Lethal Beauty

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I swallowed, the emotion he invoked swirling in my stomach, knotting into one enormous ball of indecision. I couldn’t tell him the truth, but I didn’t want to lie. Not knowing what to say, I simply shrugged. “I guess it’s what I’m good at.”

Brody shook his head in disappointment. “You have so many things you’re good at, Lessia. Why stick with one that makes you miserable?”

Chapter 16


Hisquestionstillechoedin my head the next day. Sleep-deprived, hangry, and irritated that the flight attendant in first class couldn’t make a decent pot of coffee if her life depended on it, I strutted through the airport to arrivals, Brody trailing behind me. Despite his attempts, I was pulling my carry-on, having fought with Brody about toting it around. I’d checked it on the way there, but with the flash drive concealed in it, I wasn’t about to let it out of my sight. I claimed he needed his hands free in case he had to protect me—his job was as a PSO, not a butler—and he reluctantly agreed.

I paused mid-stride, seeing Matteo standing at our carousel, watching the already-unloaded luggage whirling around the track. Letting a grin slide onto my face, I resumed my pace until I was in his arms, letting him hold me close for a moment. A few people stared at me, and some of the brave ones pulled out their cell phones to take pictures of me, but I counted myself lucky that no one looked like they wanted an autograph.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, pulling back to kiss him on the cheek. “I thought Gideon was supposed to pick us up.”

He matched my grin, rubbing a hand up and down my arm before pulling back. “I told him this afternoon that I could get you. He said something about a meeting today when he picked Gia up, and I was free.” He shrugged. “Besides, I knew you were missing me, and I wanted to surprise you.”

I hugged him again, sensing Brody reaching for our luggage behind me as I did so. “That you did. Gosh, I can’t wait to get this makeup off and change into some comfortable clothes.” I didn’t over-enunciate, being too well trained for that. But I knew my words clued Matteo into where I’d placed the flash drive. “I need a shower and a nap in the worst way.”

He grabbed my second suitcase from Brody, nodding to him in a friendly greeting before motioning to the exit. “Then let’s get your pretty ass on the road, Belle.”

I let Brody have the front seat again, and Matteo chattered about Gia and how excited she was that her dad was letting her take classes. “I spilled the beans to Brody.” My announcement had Matteo blinking. “I told him about us letting her join my private classes with you. And Brody knows your secret about being ex-Army.”

“Former.” Both men corrected me at once, and I smirked, loving that I could tease both of them at once.

“Whatever.” I waved a hand in dismissal. “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know we don’t have to pretend Gia doesn’t know the basics around him. And I fully intend on coming clean with Gideon, too, so that we don’t have that secret looming over us. But I’m not telling them about you.”

Matteo blew out a breath, hitting his blinker to change lanes. “I appreciate that, Belle. I admit I’m surprised they haven’t run background on me prior to this, but I’m sure they haven’t, or they wouldn’t have been as upset about us working out together as they are. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not ashamed of my service—it’s not a secret, so you can tell them if you’d like—but it’s not something I like to talk about.”

Brody nodded. “I get that, and I think they would, too. I’m not ashamed of what I did either, but I’m certainly not going to reminisce about it.”

Matteo raised an eyebrow, and Brody clarified, “I served in the Marine Corps.”

Matteo nodded, no hint of his prior knowledge on his face. “Then you understand.” He pulled into my driveway, only to stop short at the line of vehicles preventing him from getting much more than halfway up the drive. My brothers, all four of them, were waiting uncomfortably on the porch.

“I wonder what’s up with them,” I murmured as I unfastened my seat belt. “They all have codes for my house. They could have at least gone inside.”

“Probably worried it was booby-trapped,” Brody offered. Because he was probably right, and it was something I certainly could have done, I stayed quiet.

“This is looking like a private party,” Brody said, looking over at Matteo. “Do you mind showing me your facilities? We could hit the ring for a few rounds if you want? I haven’t got a good workout since we left, and I won’t be able to sleep tonight without getting some energy out, anyway.”

Matteo looked intrigued. “I don’t get a chance to spar with anyone who knows what they’re doing all that often. Alessia is my best student, but …” He trailed off, not needing to say more. His normal day comprised of overweight men and women and little kids. He had a few more experienced people who came in for self-defense, but it was a far cry from what he did in the army. I could, and did, go toe-to-toe with him, but we knew each other so well at that point that while it was still a great workout, it wasn’t the same mental challenge as a new opponent.

Brody gave him a boyish grin. “Then let’s knock some rust off your skills, brother.”

Matteo looked at me, making sure I was down with Brody’s plan and didn’t need a backup for whatever was about to go down. He should have known better. The day I needed help handling my family was the day someone put me in the ground. “Go ahead,” I encouraged. “I’ll be fine. But I’m leaving my luggage in your vehicle until you come back tomorrow for my class, so make sure you hang up my good clothes, or you’ll hear about it.” Understanding that I’d tasked him with getting the info out and handled before coming over tomorrow, he nodded.

I stepped out of the car, my purse in one hand and heels in the other. I’d switched back to flats as soon as we’d gotten into Matteo’s SUV and wasn’t about to switch them out again just for my brothers’ sake.

“Hey, y’all,” I called once I was close enough, waving behind me as Matteo started backing out of the drive. “What a pleasant surprise.”

I didn’t bother opening the door, not about to invite them in until I knew whether they were there to apologize or say something else that would tempt me to kick their collective asses. Instead, I moved deeper into my porch to sit on the swing, putting my feet up to prevent any of them from getting any ideas about sharing. Granted, that left them in the position of power, looming over me, but I was sitting, and they all had to stand, so I was okay with it. Besides, I was pretty immune to being intimidated by the men I’d watched grow up. I had enough memories of them in their awkward teen years to balance out the testosterone they oozed now.

“We came to apologize,” Keene started.

“All right,” I said, wishing I had something to drink. It was hot outside, the sun was beating down, and the urge to make some sweet tea hit me hard. Momma used to make sweet tea on days like that, taking it outside to her garden to sit and watch the butterflies and the bees. Some days it seemed like she’d been gone forever, but other days … Other days felt like we lost her yesterday.

“All right, what?” Keene asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.

“All right, I’ll listen to all y’all’s apology.”

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