Page 40 of Lethal Beauty

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Shaking my head, I grabbed my bag. “Nope. Figure you had a good reason for it. After all, it’s not like you don’t have secrets.”

She opened the door but stopped at my words. “What do you mean by that?” Turning to look at me, she gave me her best innocent expression, but I wasn’t as easily fooled as her brothers.

“Where do you want to start? The fact that after expressly telling me you weren’t involved with Matteo, you invited him into your house for a slumber party last night.” I tried to keep the hurt and emotion from my voice, but I wasn’t sure I was successful. “Or the handoff that D.M. gave you at the party that I wasn’t supposed to see. Or perhaps the over-the-top surveillance equipment you have installed on your property. What are you hiding here, the gold from Fort Knox?”

Huffing, she opened the door, striding into the kitchen, her hips swaying as she walked. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about. My brothers installed the security, so if you think it’s too much, take it up with them.”

“I’m not talking about the visible one they installed. You have a secondary system as a backup.” I’d found that last night just before leaving, adding another thing on the list of items that left me with more questions than answers.

She stilled again, her back going tight. “Did you think that, just maybe, it was a way for me to feel secure without my brothers knowing my every move? I can keep their system turned off and still be safe.”

“If I didn’t know you better, I might believe that,” I admitted. “But with you, nothing is ever what it appears on the surface. I’m going to figure it out,” I warned. “You might as well tell me now and save us both the hassle.”

She shook her head as she looked back at me, meeting my gaze straight on. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But even if I had a secret, it doesn’t mean I have to share it with someone I don’t know and who doesn’t know me.”

I shook my head. “I might not have known you for very long, but I know you a hell of a lot better than most people you’ve known for years. Don’t play that game with me.”

Whirling around, she took a step closer to me, pointing a finger at my chest. “Don’t push me, Brody. I promise you won’t appreciate the results.”

She was close enough for me to feel her body heat through my clothes. Her anger sparked mine, and I closed the scant distance between us, dropping my bag to the floor. “You don’t scare me, Lessia. I’m not one of those weak-willed models or agents you hang out with. I’m not blinded by preconceived notions like your brothers either.”

Her nostrils flared as I spoke, the hand pointing at my chest curled into a fist. Not about to let her lash out in anger, I grabbed her fist in one of mine, pinning it to my chest, the other wrapping around her body, pulling her the final inch that separated us until we were plastered against each other.

I don’t know who started it. Maybe both of us moved at once, but the kiss that followed was full of aggression, anger, and heat. Teeth clashed as we fought for dominance, our bodies pushing toward each other to get as close as possible. I lifted her, needing her closer, and she wrapped her mile-long legs around me, one leg around my waist, the other wrapping around lower so that her foot rested along my sensitive inner thigh.

Feeling her toes tease my inseam, I growled, digging my hand deep into her mass of hair and yanking her head back so that I could assault her neck, leaving nips and bites along her throat.

Her hands stayed busy as well; one fisted in my hair while the other scraped along my back, her nails certain to leave marks on my body.

It took some effort, but I pulled back enough to mutter something about a bed. Her garbled answer meant little in terms of direction, but I took it as acceptance and approval of what we were doing. Palming her ass, I turned to the hallway, hoping to God I was heading in the direction of her bedroom. I almost tripped over my go-bag, catching us both at the last second from falling to the floor in an undignified heap. She laughed softly, her tongue licking my ear before she nipped at it with her mouth.

Forcing off the shudder, I soldiered on, mostly successful during my trek to her bedroom. I considered it a win when I only paused twice to pin her against the wall, needing her closer, fighting off the need to bury myself in her right there in the hall. We fell into bed with a tangle of limbs. Alessia tried to take control, attempting to flip me so that she was on top, but I wouldn’t have it. Pinning her hands above her, I used my weight and superior reach to outmaneuver her, my legs wedging between hers to settle deeper into her, my erection pressed against her core. Even through my jeans, I could feel her heat, see it flare in her eyes as she matched me stare for stare. Even though she fought me for it, her dilated pupils and flushed expression told me how much she liked me taking control. She wasn’t playing games exactly—it was more a test to see if I could handle it—handle her. She cocked an eyebrow saucily, daring me to keep the upper hand, but I could see a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. With a woman that strong, that capable, I imagined she’d come across more than her share of macho men who thought they could keep up with her, only to let her down. I would not be one of them. I kept staring into the endless pools of purple, so incredibly vivid I would have sworn she wore contacts if I didn’t know better. And at that moment, surrounded by the scent of her—sunlight and sin—I realized she was it.Theone. I swallowed hard but didn’t allow myself to flinch. Most men would have run scared at the realization that their life would never be the same, but if my time with the Raiders had taught me anything, it was to accept reality, adjust quickly, and be thankful for everything life gave you. I wasn’t sure if it was love, not yet, but I knew without a doubt, with every fiber of my being, that it was just a matter of time. The woman staring at me like I’d lost my mind was my future.

Shaking off the heavy thoughts, I smiled at her smugly. “I like you right where you are, sweetheart.” I flexed my hips, and her breath hitched, the desire etched in her face making me feel ten feet tall.

“You just like me at your mercy,” she said breathlessly.

Shaking my head, I returned to the erogenous zone behind her ear. “Nope,” I nuzzled the soft skin, “I just like that you let me take charge. We can switch for the next round if you’re feeling left out. But I’m warning you, I’ve got a whole lot of need penned up, so pace yourself. We’re going to be in this bed a long time.”

Blowing out a breath, she lifted her head back, giving me easier access. “A hundred bucks says you’ll be snoring like a baby ten minutes after you orgasm.”

Grinning at her sass, I pulled back. “Ye of little faith,” I teased. “What kind of self-centered, pansy-ass jerks have you been sleeping with?”

“I think I’d better plead the fifth,” she said deftly. “Besides, I don’t kiss and tell.”

I went back to my task, trailing down to her collarbone, sampling and sipping at her skin as I went, not about to rush this but unable to keep my hands—or my mouth—to myself. I focused wholly on her—what lit her up, made her sigh, squirm, or moan. Working my way down, I peeled off her shirt, then shorts, not allowing myself to dwell on her perfect breast or what paradise lay under her lace panties. I found a sensitive area just behind her knee as I worshiped her mile-long legs, going down to her red-painted toes before finally,finally,allowing myself just enough rein to head where I’d wanted to go. She lay quiet, submissive for once, below me. I treasured that, too—that she allowed herself that much trust in me to be soft where she would typically be bold. Not that she wasn’t fully participating. Her body writhed under mine, her husky voice not shy in telling me what felt good, great, or sublime. But she let me lead, somehow knowing that I needed to this time, our first time.

When we came together, it was red hot lightning and fireworks. Never in my life had I been that turned on, that in tune with my partner. She came around me, clenching waves of liquid heat bathing my hardness, and it took everything in me to still, to wait until her muscles loosened, her eyes to come back into focus until I began again. Alessia gasped against my mouth, surprise and amazement in her gaze as I built her back up, pushing her over the precipice a second time before joining her.

I came back to myself in seconds, or what could have been minutes, picking my weight up enough that I wouldn’t be smothering her.

“That … was …” she huffed out between breaths.

“Fantastic … stupendous … life-changing?” I offered, panting as much as she was.

“Amazing.” She patted my shoulder limply, obviously not fully recovered. “I was going to say amazing. Definitely a top five for me.”

I raised an eyebrow, not sure whether to be insulted or amused. “Top five? I call bullshit. You called out to God at least—”
