Page 51 of Lethal Beauty

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A lesser man would have flinched at her tone, but I just glanced at her with an eyebrow raised as if she’d asked a strange question. “Making sure you don’t get blood anywhere, for one.” I pushed open the door to the bedroom with my foot, not pausing until we were in the surprisingly spacious bathroom. Placing her on the small vanity, I kicked on the water, cranking it up as hot as it could go.

She stayed where I’d placed her. “And?”

“And I wanted you in my arms for a minute.” I wouldn’t usually admit that out loud—it wasn’t the manliest of statements, but I wanted to give her that truth. I needed her to know I would not back down from the honesty she had been giving me. As I stripped, I set my weapons aside. Lessia sat quietly on the vanity, just watching as I pulled off my clothes, one by one. Once I was naked, I went back to her, reaching for her shirt before going to work on the rest. We left our clothes in a pile on the floor and the weapons on the counter as we stepped into the shower. Steam filled the space quickly since, despite the opulence, the bathroom still wasn’t large compared to a normal bathroom, though it was worlds apart from the standard broom-closet-sized airplane bathroom. At least I didn’t have to duck to get under the showerhead, even though I still hit the side of the shower with my elbow.

I felt her quiet amusement more than I saw it as I wiggled backward until my back was flat against the still-chilly tile, giving her as much room as I could under the spray. As she tilted her head back, I raised my hands, skimming her arms before digging my fingers into her scalp, massaging in what I hoped was a soothing motion. I had plenty of experience showering with a woman but had little experience outside of having sex in it. And while my cock was certainly up to the task, I wanted to take care of her, notit, at least not right then.

She groaned in appreciation, leaning into my touch. “Feel good?” I asked, pouring some shampoo into my hand before returning to my task.

“Mmm …” She leaned into me, her body finally relaxing. I couldn’t help but kiss her bare shoulder. I took my time, using the bubbles to my advantage and continuing my massage down her body, down her neck to the tips of her fingers and toes, and everything in between. The water started running cold as I rinsed the conditioner from her long black tresses.

Lessia pulled back reluctantly, giving me an uncharacteristically shy smile before exiting the shower and wrapping a towel around her body. I hurriedly rinsed myself, then turned off the water, getting out before she could even finish drying off. She lingered in the bathroom, seeming as reluctant as I was to break the solitude. Some turbulence reminded us that we weren’t exactly in the comfort of a normal home.

Matteo must have left clothes on the bed for us because they sure as hell hadn’t been there before we’d entered. Grateful I wouldn’t have to walk around the plane in a towel to find something to wear, I pulled them on. Alessia put on the underclothes, jeans, and a tee shirt—everything fitting so well I realized Matteo must have had a go-bag for her on the jet. She padded back to the bathroom, bringing out her weapons, handing me mine as she strapped on her gun and knife as if they were a part of her.

Finally, she looked up at me, determination and uncertainty in equal measure. “I think we need to talk.”

Smiling down at her gently, I gathered her in my arms. “Iknowwe need to talk,” I said softly, wanting to kiss her but knowing I needed to take my time with her.

She bit her bottom lip. “So … I guess you know everything.”

“Well, probably not everything,” I teased. “But I think I got the highlight reel.”

“Say it, then.” She tilted her head up, challenging me.

I raised an eyebrow in question. “Say what?”

“What am I?”

“You’re an assassin,” I said matter-of-factly, not releasing her from my arms.

She studied me carefully. “And?”

“And, what?” I knew what she was getting at but wanted to make sure we fleshed it out fully. Talking about feelings wasn’t my strong suit, and I had a feeling it wasn’t Alessia’s, either. If we wanted a chance at a genuine relationship, we needed to get it all out.

Lessia looked a bit bewildered at my turning the question back at her. “Now’s the point where you tell me you knew I had a secret all along, that you’re excited to be a part of the team, and that you’re happy we’re partners.” The disappointment in her words sounded all the world like a six-year-old thanking someone for getting socks for their birthday.

“You think because I found out you’re some kick-ass secret soldier, I don’t want you anymore? That I want to back off from you personally so that we can work together professionally?”

She shrugged. “Most people don’t want a relationship with someone who can kill them twenty different ways while making it look like an accident. And that doesn’t account for how I can kill you and make it clear you didn’t die of natural causes.”

“You think I’m most people?” I let my amusement show. “For someone who hates the fact that people make snap judgments about you, you sure didn’t have any issue assuming my feelings on the matter.”

She flushed a bit. “I didn’t put words into your mouth without cause, Brody.”

“You’ve always been a straight shooter, Alessia. Don’t wimp out on me now.”

That got her fired up. She put her hands on her hips, the movement pulling her back from me. “I want to know if you’re man enough to handle the fact that you slept with someone who can and has slit someone’s throat and slept like a baby afterward. That you knowing what I do, really do, doesn’t change how you feel about me. And if you still want to—” She ran a hand through her wet hair, swearing when her fingers got stuck halfway through the length, and she pulled them back.

She looked so adorably frazzled I couldn’t help but smile.

“Still want to have sex with you? Start a relationship with you? Fall madly in love with you?”

“I—I don’t know what to say.”

Well, that wasn’t what I was hoping for.

I could feel my face falling, and she must have seen my expression because she continued to speak in a rush, “I mean, I want all of that. But I also don’t know if I’m going to keep doing the job … jobs … I’ve been doing or not. And I’m not sure if Matteo has spoken to you about an actual job offer or not and if you’re still going to want to do it if I decide to resign. Plus, there are my brothers to think about, and what about—”
