Page 15 of Discovery

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“I don’t know. Past relationships, family, friends…”

“Do…escorts ask that kind of thing all the time?” Caroline lifted a brow, aware that it wasn’t the sort of thing escorts really cared about. They wanted payment, not their client’s life story.

“This escort does when she’s interested in someone.”

“Okay, well, I’m two years out of a marriage. Ex-wife was a CEO of a firm in town. As you know, I’m in education. My sister owns the cafe we bumped into one another at last weekend, and it’s just us two. Lost both parents six years apart when we were younger.” Caroline turned to Hannah, sitting side on. “I’m sorry to say that I really don’t have very much going on in my life. Until recently, anyway.”


“For the first time in over fifteen years, I’ve had the freedom to enjoy my weekends outside of the house. I may have left my ex-wife two years ago, but if Gail hadn’t booked you for me, I’d still be at home…contemplating what the point of life was anymore.”

Hannah reached out a hand, lowering it to Caroline’s knee. “I’m sorry you’ve felt that way. But you’re picking yourself back up, and you’re out here having fun.”

“I am. But it’s not real, is it? So I don’t suppose it really counts. Once you and I go our separate ways, I’ll go back to the life I had pre-Eva.”

“Do youwantto go back to that life?”

“Not particularly, no.” Caroline knew she wanted to broaden her horizons and get out into the world, but without Hannah, that would never have happened in the first place. To revert back to a few weeks ago…she dreaded the thought. “We’re in a place where we can be honest with one another, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Absolutely. I want you to know that you can trust me, Caz.”

“Booking you was supposed to help me back into the dating scene.” Caroline hated admitting that. She was forty-seven; she should be well acquainted with dating by now. But Naomi had put paid to anything Caroline used to be familiar with some time ago. “I…have a feeling it’s just going to make things worse for me.”

“Worse? What could be worse than sitting home alone night after night?”

Caroline smiled weakly. “Sitting home alone with you on my mind night after night.”

“O-oh, I—” Hannah’s hand fell from Caroline’s knee as she shook her head. “I’m sorry. You’ve paid for a service, Caz. I’m trying to give you that service.”

Caroline propped her head in her hand, resting her elbow on the back of the booth. She studied every inch of Hannah’s face, her charming eyes, that uncertain smile. “I wish I was here under different circumstances. It’s like I create more problems for myself unintentionally.”

“I don’t think you’re creating problems. I think you’re about to step out into an entirely new world from what you’re used to, and you’re overwhelmed.”

“The number one reason I wanted to see you tonight was to apologise, Hannah. For last week.”

“There’s nothing to apologise for.” Hannah’s hand landed back on Caroline’s bare knee, her thumb slowly soothing in circles. “I really enjoyed last Friday. I was more concerned that I’d done something to hurt you.”

“No. Never. But I shouldn’t have run away like that. I didn’t expect to enjoy myself so much, and I didn’t think I had it in me to get so carried away.”

“You were letting your hair down, so what?”

Caroline closed her eyes when Hannah continued to stroke her skin. God, it felt amazing. “What I asked you was way out of line. That’s not the person I am, and I’m truly sorry.”

“Hey.” Hannah squeezed Caroline’s knee, sending a thrill throughout her entire body. “Stop apologising. Everything is okay.”

“Thank you. For being so great. It’s made all of this easier for me.”

“Well, when a beautiful woman wants to spend time with me, it’s hard to be anything else. But I am genuine, Caz. I know you find that hard to believe, Iaman escort, but my intentions are good, and I’d never lead you on.”

“I know.” Deep down, Caroline knew Hannah was as genuine as they came. “If I have to pay you to spend time with you, I’ll do that. I know this won’t last forever, but for the time I have to get to know you, I’d love to do this more often.”

“I don’t expect any payment from you, Caz. I’m not only here because you booked me. I’m here because Iwantto be.”

“Maybe. But one day, you’ll realise that this is better how it is.”


Caroline presseda hand to her forehead, willing the ache she felt behind her eyeballs to fade. How was it Wednesday already? She should be thrilled by how quickly the week was passing by, but she’d felt out of sorts lately. Actually, since she’d met Hannah almost two weeks ago. Hannah…was attracted to her? Huh.
