Page 14 of Discovery

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“Oh, I don’t think so. I’m not sure it’ll fit.”

Caroline took her seat again, her eyes soft, her body language far more relaxed than it had been the last time they met. “I feel just right. Do you have any other plans?”

“None. You booked me for the evening, remember?”

Caroline took her glass of wine, covering the smile she was wearing as she sipped. When she licked her lips and found Hannah’s gaze again, something flashed in her eyes. “You don’t mind that I booked you all evening?”

“Mind? Not at all. I was thrilled when you contacted me. Obviously.”

Caroline nodded slowly, that sweet smile still present. Hannah knew Caroline felt good around her; she just hoped this woman could learn to feel good when they weren’t spending time with one another. After all, she really had very little in terms of imperfections. Hannah didn’t know her, but she knew Caroline was perfect. Bold claim, but one she’d stand by.

“I was wondering if I could take you to a favourite place of mine for a cocktail?” Hannah imagined Caroline would turn her down, but there was no harm in asking. “Unless you had something else planned…”

“I’d love to.”

Hannah’s heart jumped when Caroline’s smile widened. “It’s not a rowdy place.”

“Even better,” Caroline said, calling for their bill from the server. Hannah wanted to offer to pay, to even go halves, but that would once again imply that this wasn’t a client/escort meeting. “Let’s finish up here and head over there.”

“It’s just on the next block.”

Caroline smiled when the server placed the bill down, slipping her credit card from her purse.

Okay, Hannah couldn’t resist. And offering wouldn’t do any harm. “Caz, can…I get this?”

“No.” Caroline held up a hand, tapping her card against the contactless machine the server held out. “Tonight is on me. The way it was supposed to be.”

“Well, thank you.” Hannah subconsciously lay a hand over Caroline’s, lost in her eyes as they held one another’s gaze. “I’ve really enjoyed tonight.”

“And it’s not even over yet.” Caroline directed a wink at Hannah, sending her heartrate through the roof. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” She got to her feet and took her overcoat from the back of her chair, sliding it over those delicious shoulders. But Hannah remained in place, just staring. “Are we leaving or…?”

“Y-yes.” Hannah shot to her feet and cleared the desire—the want—from her thoughts. “Absolutely. Let’s go.” Hannah threw down a tip, rushing towards the door and holding it open for Caroline. “After you.” As Caroline passed Hannah, she placed her hand to the small of her back. Caroline tensed immediately, swallowing visibly. “You want the escort me, then you get the escort me.”

Hannah guided Caroline across the street, stopping suddenly when Caroline turned to her. “It’s better than nothing at all.”

* * *

“You want the escort me,then you get the escort me.”

Caroline shuddered as Hannah sauntered back from the bar, cocktails in hand. They’d situated themselves at the back of the bar in a booth, only a handful of tables around them. But Caroline loved this. In the last week, she’d felt more alive than she had in the last fifteen years.

All thanks to Hannah.

“Try this.” Hannah bent forward and placed Caroline’s cocktail in front of her. As Caroline lifted her head, her eyes immediately landed on Hannah’s cleavage.

“Thanks.” She offered the best smile she could manage, crossing her legs suddenly. “What’s in it?”

“I have no idea. The bartender recommended it.” Hannah squeezed around the table, easing down beside Caroline. She could have taken the seat facing her, but no, Hannah’s thigh was touching Caroline’s. Her smooth, bare, olive thigh. “Taste it, and I’ll get you something else if not.”

Caroline leaned forward, sipping from the straw. Wow, that was a smooth drink. Certainly perfect for after dinner. “That’s good. Really good.” Caroline lifted her glass, offering it to Hannah. “Try it.”

Hannah sipped it slowly, watching Caroline over the rim of the glass. “My God. That’s divine.”

Oh, it’s not the only divine thing I’m blessed with tonight.Caroline swallowed when Hannah’s lips lingered against her glass.

“I’m getting that next time I go to the bar!” As Hannah handed Caroline her drink back, their fingertips brushed. Considering neither of them was in a position to take this further, they seemed to be doing everything in their power to make it all the more difficult. Typical. “Tell me a little more about you.”

Caroline exhaled a long breath. Where did she begin? “What would you like to know?”
