Page 52 of Discovery

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“Talk to me,” Hannah said, enjoying how full she felt with Caroline inside her. “I don’t want you to think you have to—”

“No.” Caroline spoke suddenly, shifting out from behind Hannah. She braced herself above Hannah, smiling down into a kiss. “No talking. Just…let me enjoy you. I don’t know if I’ll ever have this chance again.” Caroline’s mouth fell open against Hannah’s as she pushed deeper. “God, you’re so wet.”

“For you, Caz.” Hannah rocked her hips in rhythm with Caroline’s thrusts, the edge nearing. “Fuck, I’ve been wet just thinking about you before today.”

“Yeah?” The shy smile Caroline wore as she pulled back and looked into her eyes practically melted Hannah.

“Oh, far more than you’d believe.” One day, this womanwouldfeel sexy again. One day, Caroline wouldn’t hesitate, and she wouldn’t second guess her worth. Because Hannah was going to show her just how sexy she was. “You know when I bumped into you in town? Before your date…”

“You looked so good that day. In your business suit. You really looked the part.”

“You looked good too. So much so that part of me wanted to slip my hand up your dress and feel you.”

That snippet must have awoken something inside Caroline. Because as Hannah initially felt wary about saying it, Caroline was sinking harder into her, their breath mingling into one. Caroline touched her forehead to Hannah’s, grinning. “You really know how to make me feel special…and wanted.”

“I’ve wanted you since the night you booked me, Caz. Don’t ever think I won’t want you.”

“I know you do,” Caroline whispered against Hannah’s lips. “If you didn’t, I wouldn’t be here now…having the pleasure of fucking you.”

Caroline’s voice as she spoke those words sounded incredibly good. It sent a shiver down Hannah’s spine. But then Caroline pressed the heel of her hand to Hannah’s clit, curling her fingers inside her. “Oh, Caz…”

“Spend the day with me.” Caroline didn’t falter, those slender fingers working Hannah up to her first orgasm of the day. “And tonight. I don’t want to let you go.”

Hannah released around Caroline’s fingers, arching up into her as she came undone. “Y-yes. Shit, don’t stop.” Hannah wanted to wrap herself up in this woman for the rest of eternity. And as Caroline stared down at her, a swell of something she hadn’t expected settled deep in her stomach. Hannah…was going to fall for this woman. There were no two ways about it. “O-oh.” Hannah shuddered as Caroline slowly slid out of her, watching every reaction that danced across her face. “God, Caz.”

Caroline settled against Hannah, brushing Hannah’s hair from her face. “Thank you for still being here this morning.”

Hannah wrapped her arms around Caroline, drawing her into a kiss. “I can’t think of a single place I’d rather be than here.”

* * *

Caroline pulleda throw down from the back of the couch, draping it over them. Hannah had gone home for an hour to collect some fresh clothes, but no sooner had she left, and Hannah was back again. Caroline couldn’t help but love it. Considering she’d been terrified as she climbed the stairs last night, Hannah had only made her feel more and more at ease. But Caroline should have known Hannah would do that; she was beginning to understand exactly who Hannah was. And it was nothing like the woman she’d initially met.

“Don’t you usually have plans on a Saturday?” Hannah rested a hand on Caroline’s knee, squeezing it gently. “With your sister?”

“Oh, I cancelled.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

Caroline smiled. “I did. Because I’d rather be here with you. I’ve spent the last two years meeting Joy and Gail every Saturday. It was about time I got to stay home and relax.”

“They worry about you, don’t they?”

“They do. And while I appreciated that in the beginning, it’s not what I need anymore. I’m in a much better place than I was when my divorce went through.”

“While I can understand that it must get to be a bit annoying having them around all the time, it’s nice that you’ve got people who are there for you.”

“I know. I’m grateful for them, believe me I am…but I do like my own space after I’ve been working all week.”

“You don’t mind that I stayed?”

Caroline rested her hand over Hannah’s, and then she laced their fingers. “Not at all. And I asked you to stay.”

“Yeah, you did.” Hannah blushed, chewing the corner of her lip. “This morning was nice.”

“It was. It was very nice.” After Caroline had woken up and got herself fully acquainted with Hannah’s body, Hannah had taken the time to double-check that she, herself, hadn’t missed anything last night. It was midday before they’d left the bedroom. “I can’t tell you the last time I had such a wonderful morning.”

Hannah leaned in, kissing Caroline’s cheek. “Plenty more where that came from.”
