Page 53 of Discovery

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Caroline’s insides trembled. The more she was around Hannah, the less she ever wanted to be without her. While she wanted to love everything they seemed to be sharing, Caroline knew she had to be very careful going into this. If Hannah broke her heart down the line, Caroline wasn’t sure she’d survive it. It was still beaten and bruised from being kicked repeatedly by Naomi and that mouth of hers over the years.

But then Caroline had to consider whether it would ever fully heal.

Naomi had broken her in so many ways.

“You’re thinking,” Hannah whispered as she drew back from their kiss. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No. I’m fine.”

Hannah cocked her head, regarding Caroline with a knowing look. “While I want to believe that, I understand that last night…today…is probably difficult for you.”

“But I don’t want it to be that way. Not with you.”

“I came into this knowing it wouldn’t always be easy, Caz. So long as we communicate, there’s no reason why this can’t be something really special.”

God, Caroline wanted it to be something special. It already was in some ways, truth be told. Still, the worry and the insecurities crept up on her when she least expected it. But she shouldn’t sit here worried today. Because Hannah was here. What more could she possibly want?

“If things get to be too much, I’ll tell you. Okay?”

“Okay.” Hannah smiled into another kiss, cradling Caroline’s jaw in her hand. When she pulled back, taking her own bottom lip between her teeth, Hannah lowered her eyes to Caroline’s lips. “So good.”

“Mm?” Caroline’s eyelids fluttered closed, her fingertips pressed to her lips.

“Kissing you. It’s so good.”


Hannah foldedthe laundry into piles on the dining table, grinning to herself as she reminisced about the last couple of weeks. Caroline was out tonight with friends for a late dinner, and since it was only midweek, they rarely saw one another anyway. Edie was only gone at the weekend, it was an arrangement she’d worked out with Dylan a few years ago, but it had always worked for them. Until now, when Hannah had a girlfriend.

She wouldn’t disturb Edie’s routine. Caroline was perfectly happy with spending weekends together, so that was that. And in all honesty, Hannah barely had the strength to give all her attention to Caroline throughout the week. Juliet had her run off her feet from the moment she started at her firm. But Hannah still loved the job; she wouldn’t change anything she had right now.

“Mum?” Edie came into the kitchen, dragging her feet. “Can we get takeout tonight?”

“Depends what takeout you want, kiddo.”

Edie stood beside Hannah, taking a pile of laundry and helping to fold it. “Dunno. Maybe from that Indian restaurant we like?”

“Yeah, okay.” Hannah grinned. “And then maybe a film before you go to bed? Or we could watch one in bed?”

“Do you think Ms Baker likes Indian food?”

Hannah stopped mid-fold. “I…have no idea, Edie. Why?”

“She was really kind to me today at school. I stayed back in my maths class because I was struggling with some equations, and Ms Baker used her lunch hour to stay and figure it out with me.”

God, this woman was going to be the death of Hannah one of these days. Truly, she was the biggest sweetheart. “And you want to take Indian food to her?”

“No. But I have some pocket money put away, and I thought I could get her a gift card. Then she can have a nice meal with her husband and kids. Because she deserves it for being a really kind teacher.”

Hannah smiled, lowering her eyes. Would it ever be possible to tell Edie what Caroline meant to her? Would it shatter her perfect image of Ms Baker? Hannah felt torn. “If that’s what you want to do, I’m sure she’d really like that.”

“You think?” Edie looked up at Hannah, brow creased. “It wouldn’t be weird?”

“You could always invite her over here to have Indian food with us.”

“Uh, no. That woulddefinitelybe weird, Mum. She’s my teacher.”

Hannah lifted a shoulder. “We know one another. It wouldn’t be that weird.”
