Page 57 of Discovery

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“I’m not sure a girly night is really Caz’s thing, love.”


“Maybe you could have your mum call me the next time you’re planning to have one of these nights. If I’m available, I’ll come over and have dinner again.”

Edie nodded, a slight smile on her mouth. And then she eyed the clock, frowning. “Okay, well, I have to get ready for bed now.”

Caroline switched her gaze between Edie and Hannah. It was only seven in the evening. “Already?”

Edie rushed to her feet, kissing Hannah on the cheek. “You didn’t tell me the time,” she whispered.

“Sorry, love. I didn’t realise what time it was. But go on up. I’m not going to bed yet, so you’ll be fine.”

Caroline watched their interaction, confused as to why Edie was suddenly a little frantic. But she wouldn’t question it. Edie seemed preoccupied enough without Caroline preventing her from getting to bed. And then Edie rounded the coffee table, reaching down and hugging Caroline. “Bye, Ms Baker. Thanks for coming.”

“I’ll see you soon, Edie. Goodnight.” Edie took her glass of water from the table and ran up the stairs, her bedroom door slamming shut. Caroline waited a couple of seconds, and then she focused on Hannah. “What was that about?”

“Edie worries about getting into bed at a particular time. She gives herself an extra hour on weekends, but Monday to Thursday, she’s in bed at seven.”


“It started a couple of years ago. She has to go to sleep as soon as she can because she worries that she’ll be the only person still awake in the house as it gets later. I don’t know why it happened or when she’ll grow out of it, but she’s been known to walk out the room while Adele is over without saying goodnight. It’s just…habit? I don’t know.”

“Does she do the same thing when she’s at her dad’s?”

“For a while, she wouldn’t go there. Because she thought something bad was going to happen to me.”

“That sounds awful,” Caroline said, offering a sympathetic smile. “But I hope things get better for her.”

“She’s definitely improved. I just have to reassure her now and then. But she’ll sleep perfectly fine tonight because you’re here, so she knows I’m not sleeping. She used to creep around the house to make sure I was still up.”

Hannah got to her feet, stacking the plates on the table. As she shoved the wrappers from their takeout into a bag, their eyes met. Caroline instantly felt that shudder ripple through her. Arousal, excitement, everything Hannah made her feel…only tenfold.

“Did you want a hand before I head off?” Caroline asked, also getting to her feet. “I’ll wash. You dry.”

“Sure. Thanks.”

Caroline followed Hannah out into the kitchen, immediately filling the sink with hot soapy water. But Hannah stepped up behind her, placing her hand on the small of Caroline’s back.

“What’s the rush?”

Caroline swallowed when Hannah’s breath washed over her ear. “No rush. I just wanted to help you before I left.”

“Stay a while. Catch up.”

“I shouldn’t.” Caroline turned, pinned to the edge of the counter as Hannah pressed her body against Caroline. “Hannah, we can’t. What if Edie comes down?”

“She won’t. Trust me.”

Caroline switched her gaze from Hannah’s eyes to her lips, overwhelming arousal flooding her body. She couldn’t deny how much she wanted to kiss her, but the fear of Edie catching them was currently winning out. “Hannah…”

Hannah gently gripped Caroline’s jaw, smiling as she inched closer. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you?”

“God,” Caroline whispered, her hand fisting in Hannah’s T-shirt. She pressed their foreheads together, delighting in the feel and warmth of Hannah against her. “You’re so bad.”

“Oh, babe…you’ve no idea.” Hannah slid her fingers under Caroline’s blouse, grazing them against her skin. “But don’t worry, I’ll show you one day.”

“S-show me?” Caroline’s breath caught when Hannah popped the button on her pants. “H-Hannah, shit.”
