Page 58 of Discovery

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Without another word, Hannah slid her hand into Caroline’s pants, cupping her through her underwear. “When I say I’ve missed you, I mean that I’vereallymissed you, Caz.”

“Oh, God,” Caroline whispered into the silence of the kitchen, her knees trembling when Hannah pushed her underwear between her lips. “O-oh.”

“You wanted to explore, so let’s begin right now.” Hannah nipped at Caroline’s bottom lip, smirking. “Because if I’ve realised anything this week, it’s how much I want to make you feel good.”


Hannah withdrew her hand, only to slip it past the waistband of Caroline’s underwear. When her fingertips touched her clit, the lightest pressure applied, Caroline gripped the edge of the counter. God, this woman had the ability to ignite Caroline’s soul, and right now, she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. As wrong as it felt to be here doing this, Caroline couldn’t stop the orgasm she felt building. And how Hannah touched her, how she had that dirty look in her eyes…she’d never had this before. Caroline had never been with a woman who was so sexually free, raw, animalistic. Honestly, it was hot. Almost too hot.

Caroline’s head fell back on her shoulders, Hannah’s lips working the skin visible on her chest. This woman…fuck, Caroline couldn’t describe how she made her feel. Elated. Aroused.Euphoric. “Y-yes.” She whimpered when Hannah’s hand moved lower, two fingers filling her. “Oh, fuck.”

“Mm. Did I ever tell you how fucking delicious it sounds when you moan, Ms Baker?”

Jesus. Christ. Caroline gripped the counter tighter. She knew Hannah would be good in bed, great even, but Caroline had a sneaky suspicion that life was about to become mind-blowing for her. Honestly, she could hardly wait. “C-close,” Caroline spoke in a throaty moan, Hannah’s fingers working so perfectly inside her. And then Hannah dropped to her knees, tugging Caroline’s pants and underwear down her thighs, separating her folds and diving right in. “S-shit.” Caroline’s chest heaved, her hand instinctively gripping the back of Hannah’s head.

“Mm,” Hannah murmured against her, lapping up everything Caroline had to offer. At forty-seven, she thought her days of unexpected sex were over, but with Hannah Adams?Never. It simply wasn’t possible. “Fuck, you taste like heaven.”

Caroline’s thighs shook, Hannah’s fingers and tongue working her up to the most incredible orgasm of her life. And then her entire body trembled as she released against Hannah’s tongue, short sharp gasps filtering quietly through the air.

Hannah dragged her nails down the back of Caroline’s thigh, teasing her clit with the tip of her tongue as her fingers slowed inside her. “See. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

Caroline caught her breath as she stared down at Hannah. Her girlfriend looked back at her with hooded eyes, a devilish grin on that incredibly talented mouth. “You…are something else.”


Hannah relaxed backon the couch, watching as Edie and Caroline sat on the floor at the coffee table. Their last get-together had clearly been enjoyable for her daughter, and for the last three nights, she’d begged Hannah to call Caroline to come over again. Caroline had initially questioned whether it was a good idea, but ultimately wanting to spend time with one another had prevailed. And thank God for that.

“You know, Caz isn’t here to work, love. The evening is her time off.”

Edie lowered her pen to her workbook. “Sorry, Ms Baker.”

“It’s fine. I’m just watching you work. I don’t mind.” Caroline eyed Hannah, offering her a full smile when Edie went back to her workbook. “Are you still going away next week with Juliet? I know you hadn’t decided…”

“I am. My mum is going to take Edie for a few nights and then drop her at Dylan’s on Friday. I’ll be back late Saturday night.”

“I can’t wait. I love staying at Nanna Ivy’s.”

“Then remind me not to give you any homework that weekend. We wouldn’t want to spoil the fun.” Caroline focused back on Edie, quietly speaking to her as she pointed out an error on the page.

Hannah could only stare, her gaze surely burning through Caroline. This was all she’d ever wanted. Someone who accepted them as a package and to not have Edie thought of as a hindrance. “You out with the girls next week? You missed dinner last time.”

“Not that I know of. I’ll probably catch up on work at home.”

“Sounds incredibly exciting,” Hannah said, catching Caroline’s eyes again.

“Well, my usual plans are out the window, so what more can I do? I’m being abandoned.”

Hannah’s chest swelled at that. Caroline really did enjoy being here with Hannah and Edie. She couldn’t say she’d expected things to feel so perfect so soon. As slow as she knew they should go with all of this, it was hard to hold back sometimes. In this moment, Hannah could picture Edie finishing her homework while Caroline was holding Hannah on the couch after dinner. They’d be their own little happy family. God, that thought had Hannah’s stomach somersaulting.

Hannah swallowed, her hands tingling as she sat them in her lap. “Maybe we could arrange something for the week after?”

Caroline beamed a smile, shifting back and getting to her feet. “I’d like that.” As she moved towards the door, she cleared her throat. “I’ll just be a minute. Need to use the bathroom.”

Hannah smiled as she watched Caroline walk away, and then she turned her attention to Edie. “You doing okay down there, kiddo?”

Edie, dragged from her own world, looked up at Hannah. “I like Ms Baker being here.”

“Yeah? Why so?”
