Page 77 of Discovery

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“You two are too much! But I really love it. All of this. All of you.”

Hannah leaned up, cradling Caroline’s chin in her fingers. She drew her closer, ghosting her tongue across Caroline’s bottom lip, and smiled into a kiss. “We love you. All of you.”


“Mum?”Edie came rushing through the door, slamming it behind her. “Is Caz coming over tonight? Ireallywant her to come over!”

Caz smiled as she shook her head, stirring her coffee. Edie expected Hannah, not Caroline. But that made sense given the fact that Caroline was at Hannah’s and not her own place. Seemed to be a common occurrence these days.

“Mum?!” Edie slung her rucksack off, stopping dead in the kitchen doorway. “H-hi, Caz.”

“Hi, Edie. You’re home earlier than expected.”

“My uh…my homework club finished earlier because I was the only one there.”

Yes. That sounded about right. Edie was one of the few students who applied themselves every minute of the school day. “How was it?”

“Fine.” Edie chewed her lip, slipping into a seat at the dining table. “I didn’t know you were here.”

“I gathered that.”

“Are you, um—”

“Coming over this evening?” Caroline finished for Edie. “I think so.”

“How come you’re here already and Mum isn’t?”

“Because I decided to treat you and your mum tonight. She’s been caught up at work, but I spoke to her an hour ago, and she told me steak is your favourite dinner.”

“Oh, my gosh! It is. I love it.”

“Then why don’t you run upstairs and change, and I’ll wait here for you. Then we’ll drive together to the steakhouse I’ve booked a table at. Your mum is meeting us there since it’s already in town.”

Edie’s brow furrowed. “You’re taking us for dinner? But why?”

“Does there have to be a reason?”

Edie lifted a shoulder, tugging the cuff of her school jumper. “Nobody usually takes us out for dinner. But I did take Mum once with the pocket money I’d saved.”

“I’m sure she really loved that.” Edie was the sweetest child Caroline had ever had the pleasure of knowing. And that knowledge that she was going to be a part of her life was huge for her. Caroline couldn’t quite believe how her luck had changed this year. “So, should we get ready to head out?”

“Yeah.” Edie shot to her feet and rushed out the room. Her usual stampede up the stairs ended with a thud. It was music to Caroline’s ears. It was normal, the usual these days.

She took her phone from the counter, followed by a sip of her coffee before she texted Hannah.

Edie is home. She’s changing and then I’ll drive into town. Caz x

More movement upstairs had Caroline smiling again, the weight of her day the furthest thing from her mind. Tonight she was practically having a family meal. Wow. That…was a lot.

Perfect. I’m leaving the office in ten minutes so we’ll probably get there at the same time. Make sure Edie behaves for you. Hannah x

Edie? Behave? That child didn’t have a disobedient bone in her body.

I’m sure she will. See you soon. Caz x

Caroline yawned as she placed her cup in the dishwasher, staring out of the kitchen window for a moment or two. The dark nights were rolling in, autumn approaching, and she couldn’t wait. It meant longer evenings with snuggles on the couch. It meant crisp leaves and hot chocolates. It meant…a lot of love.

Caroline’s phone buzzed in her hand. She looked down and almost lost her breath.
