Page 78 of Discovery

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I love you. Hannah x

She never thought she’d have this. Someone texting to tell Caroline they loved her. Someone who took a moment out of their day to say those three important words. And most of all, someone who meant it.

I love you, too. Caz x

“Ready!” Edie yelled as she came barrelling through the house once again. “We won’t be late, will we?”

“No.” Caroline stopped Edie, placing her hands on her shoulders. “So please, take a breath before you break a bone, and your mother kills me.”

“She wouldn’t. She loves you.” Edie grinned. “She does, you know. I heard her telling Adele on the phone last night.”

Caroline narrowed her eyes. “Do you always eavesdrop, Edie Caffrey? I’m beginning to learn some things about you. Having said that, I know. I love your mum, too. A lot.”

Edie’s eyes lit up. “You do?”

“Of course I do.”

Edie leaned in and hugged Caroline so tight and so hard that she almost knocked her off her feet. “Thank you for making her happy. I always want her to be happy. She’s the best mum in the world.”

Caroline pulled back, curbing her emotions. “Oh, I think it works both ways, Edie. She’s a great mum because she has a great daughter. And you’re a wonderful daughter because she’s the best mum.”

Edie hugged Caroline again, nuzzling her face into her. “I really like it when you’re here.”

“I really like being here. Now, should we go and meet your mum and have some very impressive steak?”

Edie nodded, and she pulled out of Caroline’s embrace. “Yeah. Let’s go!”

* * *

Hannah stoodas Caroline and Edie walked through the door of the restaurant, waving them over. She’d managed to get here on time for their reservation, Juliet being the understanding boss that she was. As Edie held onto Caroline’s arm, her cheek pressed to it, Hannah could only grin while fighting back tears. Edie hadnevertaken to anyone quite how she’d taken to Caroline.

“Now that my girls are here, let’s eat.”

Edie sat down and picked up a menu while Caroline rounded the table and offered Hannah a soft kiss. “Hi.

“Hi, babe.” Hannah squeezed Caroline’s hand, smiling against her lips when she went in for another kiss. “Traffic okay?”

“Wasn’t so bad. Edie kept me company, so that was nice.”

Hannah eyed Edie, poking the menu she hid behind. “Excuse me?”

“Yeah?” Edie popped her head up, frowning.

“You didn’t even hug me when you arrived.” Hannah knew Edie was busy picking out the best steak she could find, but Hannah still expected her daughter to greet her.

“Sorry. Just hungry.” Edie lowered her menu and got up to hug Hannah. When she nuzzled her face into her neck, Edie whispered, “It’s very expensive in here. Will you order whatever I’m allowed to have, please?”

Hannah smiled, turning her head. “Don’t worry about the price. Pick whatever you’d like. This is a treat.”

“But I don’t want Caz to pay so much money. It’s so expensive.”

Hannah looked up at Caroline, smiling when she regarded her with a questioning look.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Edie just needed an extra-long hug.” Hannah squeezed her daughter’s waist, encouraging her to sit back down. “Go and choose your food before I waste away.”

“Can I go to the toilet first?” Edie asked, shifting from left to right in front of Hannah.
