Page 95 of Discovery

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“I’ve been with the police. Sorry.”

Hannah crossed the room and got to her knees in front of Caroline. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea what actually happened.”

Caroline frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“She hurt you. I know she did. Edie saw it all.” Hannah placed a gentle hand to Caroline’s knee, palming it slowly. “Tell me what you need. Let me help.”

“I’m okay. I’ll be fine in a few days,” Caroline said, her voice void of that happiness Hannah usually heard. She’d become so used to it recently that she’d taken it for granted. “You go home to Edie. I’ve taken the rest of the week off work to recover.”

“It’s bad, isn’t it?”

“I’ve had back issues over the years. Being shoved full force into a wall hasn’t helped.”

Hannah sat back on her knees, sighing. “She’s been arrested. She’s not had a very good time since she went home. And this isn’t the first time she’s been arrested recently. But she’s in the right place to get any help she needs now. They’re going to do an in-depth assessment on why she’s behaving this way.”

“Good. That’s good.”

“So, should I get some things together and we’ll get you back to mine? Just let me know what you need, and I’ll get it.”

Caroline smiled weakly. “No. I’ll be okay.”

“I’m not leaving you here like this. You can’t move, Caz.”

“I’ve taken some stronger medication. It’ll ease off soon. It’s just a spasm.”

“Okay, well, I’ll put the kettle on until it eases off, and then we’re going to mine. I’m not leaving you here.”

“Why are you so worried?” Caroline asked, looking at Hannah as she stood up. “You didn’t believe a word I said to you at the school, so why do you care?”

Ouch. Caroline had never spoken to Hannah like that before. But she supposed it went both ways, and Caroline was only offering the same attitude Hannah had given earlier.

“Of course I care.”

“Now that the police have confirmed it.” Caroline nodded slowly, grimacing. “You couldn’t take my word for it. But I should have known you wouldn’t. She shared your bed with you for three years.”

“Caz, come on. Let’s not fall out.” The last thing Hannah wanted was to lose this woman. Their time together—minus Kirsty—had been perfect recently. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. And then you said Kirsty had tried to abduct Edie, and I lost my mind. I didn’t understand how it could possibly be true.”

“You know, I’d have done anything to protect Edie today. I’d have taken one hell of a beating for her if I’d had to,” Caroline whispered, her eyes closing. “To hear you say that Kirsty wouldn’t do something like that after I’d just been assaulted by her…”

Hannah’s stomach lurched at those words. At the pain in Caroline’s voice. But Caroline was right, and Hannah had to accept that. Shehadfoolishly believed that Kirsty couldn’t be capable of something so terrible. Hannah got to her knees again, taking Caroline’s hands. “If I could take back the way I’ve handled this, I would. I’m so sorry, Caz.”

“I don’t know why I was so surprised.” Caroline focused ahead of her, refusing to make eye contact with Hannah. That only pained Hannah further. “This…me…I’m not capable of keeping Edie safe, Hannah. Today I got lucky, but what happens next time?”

“Not capable of keeping her safe?” Hannah dipped her head, finding those eyes she desperately craved. Only they were dimmed, and miserable. Because of Hannah. “Babe, if it hadn’t been for you, Ediewouldn’tbe safe.”

Caroline scoffed lightly. “You really thought I was lying to you today, didn’t you?”

“No.” Hannah lifted Caroline’s hand and held it against her own cheek. She needed to feel that connection, that softness, Caroline’s warmth. “Caz, I’m so sorry about today. I should have listened instead of panicking. I should have sat down in that office with you and waited for you to explain. Please give me another chance. Let me help you and take care of you. J-just…let me love you, please?”

Caroline sniffled as Hannah spoke those words. This couldn’t be it for them, Hannah refused to allow it.

“Tell me how I can fix this. Please, babe. I love you so much. I can’t lose you.”

“You can go home and be with Edie. Make sure she’s okay. And leave me to get over this alone. I really don’t need any help. I’ve managed before.”

“I don’t want you to manage. I don’t want you to struggle to get into bed or get dressed. I want to be here for you. Edie is with my mum, so I don’t need to get back. And even if I needed to get back for her, you’d be coming with me.”

Hannah got to her feet, turned, and walked away. Caroline needed to cool off for a moment or two, and Hannah had another call to make.
