Page 96 of Discovery

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She took her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and brought up Juliet’s number.

“Hannah, hi.”

“Hey. So, the whole Kirsty thing came to a head, and I need to take the rest of the week off. I can work from home, no problem, but I won’t be able to get into the office.”

“What do you mean it came to a head? Are you okay?”

“I am, yes. But Caz isn’t. Kirsty turned up at the school today and tried to take Edie. I’m fucking livid, but she’s been arrested. Not before she assaulted Caz, though.”

“She assaulted her? Christ, what’s going on with her?!”

“She’s really changed, Juliet. It turns out, she’s on bail for assault. You and I both know that’s not the Kirsty Hardacre we had in our lives. But since she went home, she’s had some kind of anger management issues going on. Fights in bars, flipping her shit if someone looks at her the wrong way… I think with everything happening with her mum, she just…broke. I don’t know. And I don’t particularly care. My focus is on Caroline and Edie.”

“Is Edie okay?”

Hannah smiled. “Edie is fine. She thinks she’s broken me and Caz up, but I’ve reassured her. It’s just…Caz is in quite a lot of pain at the minute, and she can’t really get around the house properly. It’s her back.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Juliet said. “Take care of her and I’ll see you back here on Monday if things are better. If they’re not, work from home next week. That’s fine with me.”

“Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate it.” Hannah felt a wave of relief wash over her knowing she wouldn’t have to leave Caz. It made her life easier, and it meant she wouldn’t be sitting at her desk worrying.

“Oh, and Hannah?”


Juliet cleared her throat. “If Caz needs representation, it’s on me. Pro bono.”

“Oh, wow. That’s…uh.” Hannah paused, frowning. She hadn’t expected such a huge offer from Juliet. “Yeah, thanks. That really means a lot, Juliet. I’ll let her know.”

“Call me if you need anything. I’m only on the end of the phone. Bye, Hannah. Take care.”

Hannah locked her phone and shoved it in her pocket, making two cups of tea while she was in the kitchen. She wasn’t sure Caroline had eaten or wanted to, but she would tackle that next.

“Babe?” She slipped out of the kitchen and back into the living room. “I’ve put the kettle on. Do you want something to eat too?”

“No. I don’t feel like anything at the minute.”

“You said you’ve had back problems before. Has anything helped ease it in the past?”

“Usually a hot bath. That’s about all, really.”

“Hot bath. Got it. I’m on it.” Hannah turned and rushed up the stairs, getting to work on Caroline’s bath. If that’s what she needed, then that was what she’d get. “Anything in particular you want in it?” she yelled down the stairs.

“Just a load of Epsom Salts, please.”

“Okay. I’ll be back down in a minute to get you.”

* * *

Caroline let outa groan when she relaxed into the steaming hot water, closing her eyes as she rested her head back. Just a little while in here, and she should loosen up a little. Probably not as much as she’d like to, but anything was better than nothing.

The most humiliating thing in all of this, though, was the fact that Hannah had to help her into the bath. She just couldn’t do it alone.

Even if she’d initially been angry with Hannah after how she’d spoken to her back at work, Caroline was grateful Hannah was here. She didn’t want to fight, but she also didn’t appreciate being spoken to out of turn when she’d done nothing wrong.

Caroline scoffed. Gone werethosedays.

“Caz?” Hannah knocked gently on the bathroom door, opening it slowly. “I’ve brought you some warm towels.”
