Page 14 of The Tsar's Tsarina

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It’s past midnight as I make myself comfortable in front of the fireplace in my library. Or maybe comfortable is an exaggeration because I’m roasting. The conversation about her life in America made me livid.

The jealousy I felt as her face lit up while talking about her “home” nearly destroyed me. In my mind Tsarina never left Karthusia, never gained any experiences without me, never laughed or cried without me and she definitely didn’t love.

Nobody touched her, nobody looked at her or smiled at her. Nobody talked to her. In my mind, she walked around with a protective bubble nobody could burst.

Poking the fire, I lean back and rub my forehead. It’s frustrating having her in my house but not being on top of her. I wonder if she’s peacefully sleeping or if maybe she feels the same restlessness as I do. Cursing, I allow myself to fantasize about her underneath the sheets, stripped bare and trembling with excitement to take my engorged cockhead. I’d take it slow with her before plunging right inside...

“What are you thinking about?” a voice whispers and I turn my head. Tsarina’s standing in the doorway, dressed in a sheer nightgown with a plunging neckline and a small slit that goes all the way up to her lush hip. I swallow as a smile lingers around her lips. “Were you thinking about me?”

“No.” Inwardly groaning, I rasp, “You should go back to bed.”

She squirms and her hair swooshes over her shoulder. “It’s too hot beneath the sheets.” Her mouth forms into a pout as she inhales. “Made my skin prickle, along with everything else and I just couldn’t sleep.”

“Then what do you want?” I grit and she lifts a brow.

“Isn’t it obvious?” She slides her hand down her body, cupping and stroking what’s mine and the ownership I feel makes me want to bark at her to ask for permission first. “I want you.” Her voice lowers into a whimper as she brushes her thighs. “Really, really bad...”

“This feels too good to be true. Is this a fucking trick?” I say and she lets out a teasing laugh that makes my blood go cold but then she saunters over to me and lowers herself down on my lap. Her entire, plush body is right in front of me and I feel like groaning from the stupor that comes with it.

“It’s not a trick,” she whispers and I let out a low groan when I feel her heat seep through to my slacks. “See how wet my pussy is for you,” she whispers and I nod as he flushes. “I’ve never wanted any other man...” She arches her back and her breasts protrude beneath the chiffon. They’re mouthwatering and I salivate, feeling like I’ve been hit in the head with a club and can’t think straight.

“You’ve grown a hell of a body,” I groan, groping her tits until she cries out in surprise. “Did you do that for me?”

“Yes, I grew all of this for you,” she gasps, rocking her hips over my arousal and it develops for her until my zipper nearly bursts. Watching me with hooded eyes, she strokes a hand down her flat stomach, “Same way I’ll grow an heir for you in here...”

This couldn’t be any more perfect. She’s giving me everything that I want and a smile colors her face that’s both innocent and seductive.

“Now fuck me, beast,” she moans with hooded eyes as her arousal spreads like a little pool all over my lap, ““go as fucking hard as you want on me with that big cock,” She tilts her head to the side, purring “Balthazar, Balthazar...”


Flinching, I look up as Tsarina flies into the room and runs over to the fireplace. I frown as she pants and pokes it. “Never leave a fire burning unattended,” she breathes, shaking her head, “you could’ve turned this whole place into ashes.”

I glare at her, pissed that it was just a dream and the fact that she’s not wearing anything see through or tight but a floor length gown made out of wool. Fuckingwool. It was just a dream...I knew it was too good to be true but my loins and heart still ache from the fantasy.

Turning away from the fire, she says, “Are you okay? I hope you’re not in pain.”

“Why would I be in pain?” I slither because she isn’t too far off and her brows frown.

“I heard you moaning. It woke me up and I had to go and check. Thought you’d hurt yourself.”

Fuck, that’s embarrassing and I rub my neck. “I’m fine,” I growl, struggling to hide my erection from her and I bend over. “You should go back to sleep.”

Shivering, she shrugs. “The blizzard makes my windows rattle, feels eerie listening to it.”

“You never used to be scared of blizzards before. Your new homeland has made you soft.”

Tsarina lets out an impatient sigh before dragging a hand through her hair and I want her grinding on my lap instead of keeping a distance. “Okay, I get it. You hate where I’ve been but I’m half-American, you know so go easy on my roots...”

“Your roots are Karthusian,” I say angrily and I get up as frustration builds in me. “This is where you belong.”

She turns impatient and her eye twitches from exasperation. “Why are you so angry all the time? Why can’t you just be happy that I’m back?”

My hands tremble as I pour myself a glass. “Because I can’t forgive your betrayal,” I curse and she flares out with her arms.

“I was fourteen, Balthazar.” Her eyes dart as if there’s some guilt in her after all. “Stunned by everything that was going on and I wanted to see my father.”
