Page 26 of King of Wrath

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He lowered his head and I thought for certain he was going to kiss me. Then he whispered in my ear, “I do have a surprise.”

“Another Danish?”

“Something much better. We should get going. Is your sister staying with the dogs?” he asked. Another surprise. He cared about their welfare.

“How do you know she’s my sister?” I moved to the closet, grabbing my coat, struggling into it as I watched the way he scanned the room. Was he looking for something or just noticing I lived like a pauper?

“I’m right here. My name is Carrie, Sarah’s sister. Yes, I’m staying with them all night long if I need to.”

“That’s good to hear, Carrie. Don’t worry. Your sister will be in good hands.” With that, he moved behind me, placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me to the door. “Don’t wait up for her, Carrie.” His tone was just as commanding with her as he’d been with me.

As he led me into the hallway, a strange feeling settled into my mind as if I’d met him before.

Whether or not that was the truth, I knew one thing so clearly that denying it would be senseless.

Whatever this was between us was about to change my life.

Yet what surprised me about the acknowledgement was that I wasn’t certain it would be for the better.

Or that I’d survive.



I wasn’t normally taken aback by the sight of any woman. That just wasn’t my nature, nor had I ever wanted to be consumed by lust or any other emotion associated with the act of passion. The hard shell I’d encased myself in for education, building my brand, and finally for running a billion-dollar corporation with an iron fist precluded romance. But with Sarah, everything was different.

Not that I’d ever claim I had any such desire in my body.

But with her, all I could think about was stripping off her pretty dress, exposing her rock-hard nipples. I wanted to take the time to suck them, pulling them between my sharp teeth then biting down until she cried out in pain. Then I wanted nothing more than for her to beg me to fuck her, screaming my name when I did.

She’d tensed from almost the minute she’d walked into the living room, her eyes narrowing as she looked at me. Perhaps she’d remembered her savior, the only man who’d stepped up to the plate to save her life.

The same one who’d sworn to take it with his bare hands.

I’d told her I would claim her ass and that was just the beginning of my plans.

She’d fixed her cerulean blue eyes on mine, searching for answers. I found it curious that she hadn’t asked my name, as if it didn’t matter. Perhaps she was fearful of learning it. Whatever the case, I was enjoying toying with her far too much.

She remained on the sidewalk, staring at my Maserati then glancing up toward the window of her bedroom. I reached in front of her, opening the door.

“Get in, Sarah. We have a schedule to keep.”

“You mean reservations,” she corrected.

“Of sorts.” After closing the door, I moved around the front of the car, scanning both sides of the street. After Dillon had proven his loyalty, I had a feeling Demarco had cried bloody murder to the Morettis. I wouldn’t put it past them to try to make a hit on either myself or my father. I’d purposely ignored Joseph’s two calls, hoping he’d sweat. Even though my father was trying to guide me toward a truce, pushing the marriage between Nico and Theodora, I wasn’t inclined to have any connection with the son of a bitch. There would never be a time I could trust him.

As I eased inside, she glanced in my direction, and I didn’t need the streetlights to know she was questioning her trust in me. She should. She had no idea she was sitting next to a brutal savage. She’d literally taken my breath away in her dress. While I’d been privileged to see it in the dressing room, she looked entirely different with her hair in curls and makeup on. She was naturally beautiful, no makeup needed, but when she was in a dress and heels, it was easy to sense how formidable she was.

The taste of her had lingered all day, keeping my balls tight and my mind reeling from thoughts of what I would do to her. Taking time away from New York was risky, but I could spend time without the annoyance of business.

And there would be no method for her to escape.

“Where are we going?” she asked after a few minutes.

“You’ll see.” I could tell she was debating refusing to go with me.

“You should know that I’m not the kind of girl who appreciates surprises or secrecy for that matter.”

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