Page 27 of King of Wrath

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“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“But you still have no intention of sharing with me where we’re having dinner. I assume you didn’t lie to me.”

I lifted my eyebrow, surprised her tone had changed, her challenge refreshing. I’d already realized how intelligent she was, but I appreciated the rebellious side as well. That would make breaking her sweeter. “You should know I’m not in the habit of lying. That doesn’t suit either my personal life or my business.”

“I would assume lying in the world of stockbroking isn’t acceptable.”

She was testing me, slyly trying to find information. “What is it that you want to know, Sarah?”

“You know my name. I should know yours.”

“Fair enough. Gabriel. As far as last names, why don’t we keep our tryst a little mysterious.” I’d thought about providing a false name in the beginning but finding out now whether she’d learned who her savior had been on that day was valuable.

“Mysterious isn’t the word. Reckless is more like it.”

“But what’s life without taking a few risks?”

“You could be a criminal, a murderer.”

She had no idea how right she was. “I could be.” The game was getting more challenging by the minute. Now my balls were aching to the point of pain.

“Gabriel,” she repeated. “That suits you.” As I pulled up to a light, she turned her head to study me, narrowing her eyes. I lifted a single brow, enjoying the quiet tension building between us. It was a stare down, her search continuing. There was a crackling of electricity more intense than there had been before, the air inside the car filled with vibrant current.

As I rolled out of the city, she tensed even more, and I sensed she was uncertain she’d made the right decision.

“You can relax, Sarah. I’m not going to hurt you, at least not in the way you’re thinking. We’re going to my private plane.”

“Whoa. A private plane? Going where?”

“That is the surprise. Are you impressed?”

“I don’t impress easily, Gabriel. While I appreciate the attention and the chemistry we’ve shared, I’m not comfortable with getting on a plane with you. I hope you understand.”

I had to think about how to answer her truthfully.

“You’ve obviously figured out that I’ve been very successful. I don’t usually flaunt it because that serves no purpose. However, when I’d like to enjoy spending time with a beautiful woman far removed from the dirtiness of New York, I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to do so. If that means a plane ride to another destination, then so be it. And it’s not something I’d going to feel guilty about.”

She thought about what I’d said, holding her breath for a few seconds. “Fair enough.”

With that she turned her head, glancing at the passing lights. The tension remained but she was more intrigued than anxious.

“I’ll be curious to find out more about you,” she said after a full two minutes had passed.

“Are you certain you want to destroy the mirage, or simply enjoy a passionate evening?”

Her slight chuckle was different as with everything else about her. “This afternoon was incredible. I also won’t lie to you. However, I’m not the kind of woman to indulge in sex with a stranger.”

“I don’t believe we’re strangers any longer. Do you?”

Her smile was a slight reward, and it also made my cock twitch as the need to be inside of her sweet pussy heightened. Perhaps I was a fool for enjoying the time I’d spent, hungering for more, but as soon as I had her under my full control, I could remove the distraction from my mind. Then I could handle business without thinking about fucking her every second of the day.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, heading off the exit toward the private airstrip. I wondered if she had any idea that she’d just fallen into the clutches of a monster.

I’d planned for every detail, leaving nothing to chance. All the animosity I’d expected to feel hadn’t come to pass. She was everything I’d ever wanted and my possession of her was now required.

Whether she agreed or not.

As I guided her onto the plane, I made certain no one had followed us, keeping my hand on my Glock in case we were interrupted. If she noticed my slight action, she didn’t outwardly acknowledge it, although I had a sense the woman was very observant. Even cunning. Owning her would be worth every amount of effort I undertook.

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