Page 29 of King of Wrath

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When I broke the kiss, our breathing ragged, I bit down on her lower lip until she shuddered in my hold. The chemistry was off the charts, the bolts of electricity threatening to derail a portion of my plans. The plane ride was far too short to satisfy or fulfill my needs.

As she dragged her tongue across her lip, a warm flush crept up on her cheeks.

“Is this how you are with all women?”

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve been far too busy to enjoy the company of a woman for a very long time.”

“Then why me?”

A valid question, the first where I’d need to partially lie to her in order to provide an answer. “The draw to you was captivating. I couldn’t stand the thought of not getting to know you.”

“Hmm… A charming, good-looking, wealthy man. Why aren’t you married?” She scooted away but only a few inches, giving me a sly smile.

“Marriage had never seemed favorable, at least until now.”

“Just to be clear. I will never get married.”

“Hmmm… What a pity.” As the pilot taxied the plane down the runway, I resisted smiling. As the wheels were lifted from the concrete, all the filthy thoughts about what I would do to her continued to play out in my mind. Realizing my heart was thudding rapidly, echoing into my ears almost made me laugh. “We’re going to Vermont, to a beautiful cabin I have in the woods. Don’t worry, my beautiful creature, we are having dinner.” I turned my head toward her, inhaling her exotic perfume. “And you’re going to be dessert.”

* * *


He’s going to claim your ass.

I clenched both my pussy and ass muscles at the thought. I had to get my mind off sex, yet given the way we started this… fling, that’s almost all I could think about.


I only wished the nagging feeling I’d had around him would dissipate.

My mother had always told me that when I liked a boy, I should always study his eyes because they were a true reflection of the kind of man he’d become. I’d followed her suggestion, which had prevented me from dating the captain of the football team in high school. Years later, I’d learned he’d gone to prison for rape. I’d seen the dark, cruel look in his eyes the moment I’d turned him down for the homecoming dance. I’d sensed words he’d never said, but I’d been able to feel the extreme heat resonating from his body. I’d sensed he wanted to threaten me. Instead, he’d smiled, yet from that day forward, I’d done everything I could to stay away from him.

Now, as I stared into the eyes of a man I’d already been intimate with, a strange feeling pooled in my stomach. His dark eyes weren’t full of rage or hatred, but there was something underneath the flickering gold surrounding his irises that troubled me.

Or it was because of the way he’d said I was dessert. Or maybe it was because I was sitting on a plane headed to another state and he’d failed to mention I’d be gone for longer than a few hours. What curtailed the fear was the fact my body continued to tingle from the passionate kiss and the way he was looking at me.

Maybe I was being cautious, or maybe because I’d completely lost my inhibitions with a stranger I was chastising myself. Whatever the case, the mixture of apprehension and excitement was powerful.

He didn’t attempt to overpower me again, but I sensed the raging beast remained close to the surface. He was ready to devour me and in truth, I wouldn’t mind. However, I was thankful we engaged in trivial conversation, both laughing from our choice in our favorite movies. Now I noticed a light in his eyes I hadn’t seen before.

And I could breathe easier.

As the engine started to slow, he took my glass from my hand, getting to his feet and refilling for a third time.

“It would appear we’re getting ready to land,” he said casually as he eased the glass over my shoulder, brushing the outside of his wrist against my cheek. Even the slight touch was enough to create tremors dancing throughout my body. “You should call your sister before we land and ask her if she can stay with your dogs for a couple of days.”

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

He leaned closer, taking a second to slide his finger along my jaw. “I told you I had a surprise.”

“Wait a minute. I don’t have any clothes and I’m certain not dressed for extreme winter weather and I also have two dogs to take care of. I can’t just leave them alone. Maybe you’ve never had animals before, but dogs need their humans in order to survive. You know, go to the bathroom, food and water?” The fact I was rattling off at the mouth was a clear indication I was suddenly nervous. Who did he think he was assuming I could spend days with him?

His eyes were unreadable, but I could swear he was annoyed that I hadn’t agreed readily. “I took the liberty of asking your sister if she would stay, which she seemed happy to do.” His admittance was another surprise, one I wasn’t certain I liked. He’d planned out everything, his control refusing to be denied.

“Why didn’t she say anything to me?”

“Because I told her I was surprising you. If you don’t believe me then call her yourself, but you’ll need to do it prior to us landing. Where we’ll be staying, there is almost nonexistent cell phone coverage.”

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