Page 28 of King of Wrath

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Sarah stood in the entranceway, allowing her gaze to sweep the opulent setting. “This is… unreal.”

I laughed as I pressed my hand against the small of her back. “My brother had the interior renovated only months before…” I stopped myself before mentioning his death. At any point her memory could resurface, which would accelerate my plan. I was enjoying myself far too much to allow that to happen in the next two days.


“Before he recommissioned another. Naturally, I agreed to take this one off his hands.”

She narrowed her eyes, glancing over her shoulder. “The trials and tribulations of the rich and famous.”

“Rich, yes. Famous? I hope not. Take your time looking around. We still have a few minutes before we take off.” I couldn’t take my eyes off her shapely long legs as she moved throughout the cabin, heading toward the bedroom chamber. I continued to keep my promise to her that I wouldn’t lie. Luciano had begun renovations. I’d simply had them expedited over the last few weeks. I headed for the bar, selecting a bottle of Krug champagne, chuckling as she shook her head at the sight of the oversized king bed.

Then she closed the door abruptly, taking a deep breath before spinning around to face me. “I meant what I said. I’m not a one-night stand kind of woman.”

“Who said anything about a one-night stand? If that had been the case, I wouldn’t have asked you to dinner.” As I opened the bottle, the slight poofing noise brought a smile to my face. After pouring two glasses, I walked toward her slowly, my hunger nearly off the charts.

“You are a man full of surprises.”

“I can be.” I lifted my glass in a toast.

“What happens when people don’t accept your brand of hospitality?”

“You mean my pushy demeanor.”


I waited until she took a sip, her eyelashes fluttering across the shimmer of her cheeks. Goddamn, my cock was still hard as a rock. “Let’s just say it’s usually in one’s best interest to do as I say.”

“Why does that sound a little bit like a threat?”

“I don’t make threats, Sarah. I simply don’t need to. I make promises.”

“For a stockbroker, that sounds ominous.”

As I headed for one of two leather couches, I expected her to follow. I should have known given her personality that she wanted to continue doing things her way. That would change soon enough. I sat down, leaning back and crossing my legs. “You doubt my profession?”

“No, I believe you could be a stockbroker, but the few I’ve known are all about crunching numbers, a genius in anticipating trends, not pushing their clients into a decision.”

“It’s all about reading the client. There are those who are dead set on challenging the system. Others need coaxing. I’ve made dozens of men and women extremely wealthy over the years.” Which was all true. I wasn’t prepared to tell her that I was also a genius at stock manipulation, which should have been a red flag that I was exactly like my father and brother.

She lifted her chin, exposing her long neck, and I envisioned a thick leather collar. She would certainly look beautiful in heels, the collar, and nothing else. I was getting ahead of myself. When she finally sat down, she seemed determined to keep her distance.

Seconds later, the pilot appeared, which was unusual for him to do. “I’m sorry, sir, but I wanted to let you know we may experience turbulence given the approaching storm.”

Sighing, I ran the tip of my finger around the rim of the flute. “Will you be able to complete the flight?”

“Absolutely, sir. I’ve flown in much worse. Try and enjoy the ride.”

Sarah frowned as she glanced toward the window. “Does that mean we’re flying north? There’s an arctic blast coming in from Canada.”

“Your deductions are correct. Come here and I’ll tell you where we’re going.” I simply gave her a stern look. There was no need for another gesture. She chewed on her lower lip, debating obeying me, but her hard nipples indicated her desire to follow my command.

She slowly rose to her feet, shifting closer, still too far away. When I wrapped my hand around her arm, dragging her closer, she immediately threw out her hand, pressing it against my chest. “Not so fast. You don’t own me.”

I fisted her hair at the scalp, ignoring her words. She had no idea what she did to me when she resisted. That only fueled the fire, igniting what was left of embers I’d believed to be ice cold. “Perhaps I don’t own you yet, but I will. Very soon.” I crushed my mouth over hers, curious as to her reaction.

She stiffened, adding pressure to her hand, pushing with all the force she had. But slowly she parted her lips and I took advantage of it, thrusting my tongue inside. There was no doubt I would devour her several times, bringing her to the heights of ecstasy she didn’t know existed. But she would begin to understand my rules.

Her moans filtered past the kiss and her fingers were now clutching my shirt. I kept my firm hold as I swept my tongue throughout her mouth, exploring every inch, every dark crevice. The burst of champagne added to my desire, yet was unable to quench my thirst. As I dominated her tongue, I pulled her even closer, prepared to drag her across my lap. She’d awakened the savage in me, yanking on the vile needs that seemed impossible to fulfill.

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