Page 56 of King of Wrath

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“Yes, Sarah. I take what I want.”

“You have no right.”

“Just like your father has no right to persecute us.” Was I going to spend time defending my family? That was bullshit. I’d never done that with anyone else.

She smiled at me, shaking her head ever so slowly. “You’re completely deranged.”

“Maybe so.”

“I hate you. That will never change no matter what you do to my body.”

It was better that she hated me, at least for now. “So be it. Remove your jeans.”

Her response was to fold her arms, keeping her glare.

“Do you remember the deal you made, the punishment you offered to accept in exchange for Dillon’s life? Or have you forgotten so quickly?”

As her lower lip quivered, I could tell she was having a difficult time maintaining the thick armor she’d placed around herself. She glanced away, blinking several times. The woman standing in front of me was so damn strong, more so than anyone else I’d ever met. I admired that about her.

It also made my balls tighten. I didn’t want to take her here. Maybe I was the asshole hoping for a sick fairytale, wanting her to submit by her own free will. That might never happen again. Still, keeping her safe was as important to me as using her to take down her father. The dichotomy was leaving a vast break in my usual way of handling business.

“Or would you prefer to watch as I exact punishment on Dillon instead?”

“Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dare. I don’t know why you consider yourself God, but you’re nothing but a little man hoping to boost your ego by lording your power over everyone you meet. Whatever you think he did is bullshit.”

“How would you know, Sarah? Tell me that? That man could be the reason my sister was beaten by a man she was supposed to marry. That man may be responsible for placing your life and those of your precious dogs in danger. I can’t and won’t allow that to happen to anyone I care about.” I’d raised my voice, my venom shocking her, especially given what I’d just admitted.


Yes, I did care about her, which was damning in and of itself.

She opened her mouth then pressed her fingers across her lips, holding back another moan. “I’m so sorry about your sister. Is she okay?”

I nodded just once, turning my head. “There are dangers in my world you couldn’t understand, people who are more abominable than I am.”

“You chose this life.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I chose to walk away from this life. Then my brother was killed.”

Now the weight was shoved onto her shoulders. The bright light I’d seen in her eyes so many times suddenly faded. I sucked all the joy and life out of her with a few words said out of spite. After a few seconds, she lowered her head, turning away from me. Then she unfastened her jeans, tugging off her shoes then lowering the dense fabric past her hips.

Then she stopped, shaking her head.

“Do. It. Now.”

Shaking, Sarah murmured her hatred once again.

I could tell she was crying again, but I knew the instant she turned to face me, her tears would stop. She was determined never again to cry because of me.

As she finished removing her jeans, I slowly unfastened my belt. I’d wanted to strip her life away a few weeks ago. I’d longed to bring her the kind of pain she’d brought to my family. As I yanked the thick strap from the belt loops, I realized that wasn’t what I wanted any longer. The time spent with her had changed everything. She’d become more than just my possession, a method of exacting revenge.

She’d become… important, more so than the air I breathed or the blood pumping through my veins. It disturbed the hell out of me how close I felt to her, more so than anyone else. All I could think about was tasting her.

Burying my face into her sweet pussy.

Driving my cock deep inside her tight channel.

Crushing her with my weight.

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