Page 75 of King of Wrath

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“Planes. Cars. Houses. Jewels. Don’t you understand? They are things, possessions. Just like I am. You live in a gorgeous house overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. You drive a fancy car, and the cost of a single suit could feed an entire family for six months. Yet you’re not happy. In fact, you’re miserable. Did you ever ask yourself why?”

Her question was justified. When I didn’t answer, she continued.

“I don’t need things, Gabriel. You saw my apartment. I have the basics. I could lose every piece of clothing, all the books and the furniture tomorrow and I would be just fine. What would crush me for all eternity is if I lost my puppies. They mean the world to me. That’s called love. Unbreakable, special love. Did you see the way they look at me? Or the way I look at them? You can’t buy that no matter how much money you have. Love is priceless. Love is the feeling you get inside, your stomach rumbling and your heart racing just from the thought of seeing the being you love with all your heart. It’s that moment when you walk into a room and see that person or furry baby when everything else fades to black. And it’s the last thing you think about at night, the first thing in the morning. That’s… love. Priceless.”

Her words were haunting and beautiful, and I wanted to give that to her and more. “Do you know what I was thinking on the day my brother died and I was able to save your life?”

After a few seconds, she turned her head toward me. “How could I? All you’ve expressed is fury that I survived and your brother didn’t.”

The words cut through me like a knife. “I was thinking that even a bad man could do decent things and that I was the luckiest man alive because I was given the gift of saving the life of the most beautiful creature in the world. That’s the real reason I found you, and when I did, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Images of you blocked out everything else. My heart raced every time you crossed my mind. When you smiled and laughed, my world became a little bit brighter. I know I’m not deserving of such goodness, but the gift was the most precious one given to me in my entire life. I’m not certain what you’d call that, Sarah. I’m really not. But in my mind, it’s the most powerful feeling I’ve ever experienced. I’m a better man because I saved your life.”

She didn’t react at first. Then her features softened, her eyes glistening. With her hand shaking, she reached out, brushing the tips across my cheek. I grabbed her wrist, kissing her palm and for those few seconds, I enjoyed being lost in her essence.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Giordano, but your father is here and he’s insistent on seeing you.”

The sound of Dillon’s voice riled me, but the thought of my father dropping in unannounced pissed me off. I held her hand against my face for a few more seconds then let go. “I’ll be right back.”

She recoiled, the special moment broken. Now I was furious.

“Thank you, Dillon. Put him in my office.”

“He found his way already, sir.”

I shook my head and touched her arm before heading out of the kitchen. My father’s arrival could only mean one thing. He’d heard about my exchange with Nico. As I walked into my office, I wasn’t surprised my father had taken a seat in my leather chair, already puffing away on a cigar he’d retrieved from my humidor.

“Those things will eventually kill you.” I moved toward my desk, leaning against the outside edge, wrapping my fingers around the smooth wood. This was my office. It was also time he realized that by initiating me to the lifestyle, he had no authority over me any longer.

“I’m certain that a bullet will kill me first, son. Maybe coming from my own flesh and blood.”

“Why are you here?”

“Because we need to talk.” He took another puff then glared at me. “What the fuck were you doing with Nico?”

“I would think that’s fairly obvious. He had Theodora beaten. That’s not allowed.”

“From what I understand, she is difficult, refusing to accept their impending marriage.”

I took a deep breath, trying not to explode. “Wait a fucking minute. Are you trying to suggest that Theodora deserved to be beaten?”

“A woman needs to be kept in line.”

Oh, my fucking God. “Is that what you did to our mother when she didn’t obey your rules, getting one of your soldiers to rough her up to teach her a lesson?”

“Don’t you dare raise your voice to me!” He stubbed out the cigar, climbing out of the chair to confront me.

For the first time, I noticed how much he’d aged. He’d always seemed invincible, larger than life. Today he seemed frail. “How dare you.”

“Your mother received punishment twice in her life. Then she learned to obey me, which is what you need to do to that woman you’re so determined to keep.”

All I could do was laugh. “You disgust me. That woman is…” Why was I bothering to explain myself?

“Someone you care about?” He laughed. “Then you’re a fool.”

“You don’t love my mother?”

“Very much, but it didn’t start out that way.”

“Yeah, I know. It was all arranged. We’re in America now, Pops, in case you hadn’t noticed. Arranged marriages are a thing of the past. Your daughter deserves to find someone she can fall in love with, a man who will light her world on fire. Not some thug with an attitude. The deal you made is off. Period.”

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