Page 85 of King of Wrath

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Goldie and Shadow. As I watched them playing with toys that had been brought into my office, I reminded myself that Sarah had once had a life she enjoyed. Then I’d stripped it away, thinking it was my right. The dogs were proof that I’d missed out on what living really meant. I’d shut down years ago, but it had taken bringing the precocious woman into my life for me to be able to admit it.

Even though I dared not say the words out loud.


The damn word continued to haunt me.

I’d been taught since as early as I could remember that exhibiting any signs of weakness would precipitate my death. I wouldn’t know when or how, but enemies had long memories. I’d learned to close myself off, caring about no one with two exceptions. Now they were both gone. Goddamn it. Shadow noticed I was staring at him and ventured forward, his entire backside wiggling, his wagging tail reminding me of a helicopter. I’d never been allowed to have pets. I’d never brought a girl to my parents’ house. They were simple, normal things that occurred in almost every household. To me, they were foreign. I leaned over, rubbing behind his ears, the sweet ruffing noises he made allowing me to smile.

“They like you,” Dillon said quietly.

“Yeah, they’d like anyone.”

“That’s not true. Dogs have an innate sense for spotting evil.”

I lifted my head, chuckling halfheartedly. “And you’re an expert?”

“When I was real young, I had a dog. He was my world.” Dillon could be the master of masking his emotions. I’d seen more of them from him in two days that I had the entire time I’d known him.

With a single exception.

After he’d lost his wife, he’d let go, mostly with bouts of uncontrollable rage. Then a quiet calm had enveloped him, his silence a clear indication he could blow at any time. To his credit, he’d yet to do that. But he wasn’t a happy man.

That seemed to be the norm in the Giordano household. I thought about Demarco and couldn’t put my finger on why the entire interaction bothered the hell out of me. What was I missing?

I took several gasping breaths as I lowered my head, visions of her sweeping through my mind. Jesus Christ. I had to get control of myself. I replayed what Demarco had said and knew I was missing something. What the fuck was going on?

When a drink was slid across my desk, I jerked up my head.

“You need this, Mr. Giordano.”

I was so sick of hearing my last name that I couldn’t take it any longer. “You can use my first name. We’ve known each other long enough. I’m not my father.” If I continued to repeat it enough times, maybe it would turn out to be true.

“Drink the scotch, Gabriel. You need to calm down.”

On any other day I’d be pissed at him, but not today. He was right. That’s exactly what I needed to do. Why had she gotten under my skin to the point I couldn’t think straight?

Because she broke through that steel barrier you placed around yourself. Because she can handle the beast. Because she wants what you can no longer provide.

Was it true? Was I incapable of being the man she needed, not just the horrible monster I’d allowed her to see?

“You care about her,” he offered. There was no question in his voice, no attempt to disrespect me, just a statement that he felt was truthful.

“Yeah, I do.” Admitting it was easier than I would have thought.

“Then show her.”

I studied him for a few seconds, nodding because I knew he was right. “I think it’s a little too late for that.”

“No, boss. It’s never too late. She cares about you too. Both of you are just too stubborn to admit it. I know why you hunted her down, but you obviously made a strong connection with her. That’s the truth beneath what the two of you shared, not the business you were forced to sink yourself into.”

Since when had he gotten so damn smart? “Perhaps, but there are things that often can’t be changed.”

“You rule the Giordano Empire. So do it your way. Make changes. Impose different rules. Cut down your enemies. Your goal should be to do whatever is necessary to make yourself happy. If not, you’ll regret it.”

Truer words could never have been said. “I will destroy the Morettis.”

“You’re certain Nico was the man responsible?”

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