Page 98 of King of Wrath

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“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while we live.”

—Norman Cousins


The fact I was contemplating my own death was ridiculous at this point. However, in my mind it was a healing feeling, even though I hated the connotations around it. I didn’t want to die. Perhaps there’d been a time in my life when I’d experienced the need, but not now. I had everything to live for. I was a wealthy man with a beautiful woman by my side. However, the loss that was furrowing inside was more about losing myself and my humanity than the physicality of losing two people I’d cared about.

Maybe that was a sick way of looking at it, or selfish. Nevertheless, it was true. My life meant nothing in the scheme of things. Sarah’s did. She was innocent, a true angel of mercy. To take her away from her healing powers would be blasphemous. I wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

At least sharing most of what had occurred with Mary had stripped some of the other demons away. I’d carried the burden for so long that I had a sense of relief that was almost as powerful as the way I felt about her. I was very much looking forward to sharing the news with her father.

And making him squirm.

Dillon flanked my side as we studied the mayor’s fine-looking estate. He’d done well for himself over the years, working his way through being a street cop in Brooklyn to detective, then moving all the way up the ranks as his political career began to take off. However, even the mayor’s salary wasn’t enough to afford the luxuries I’d discovered he owned. Of course, he’d taken the liberty of hiding them in a dummy corporation, including the partial interest in a gambling facility that I knew for certain catered to backroom illegal internet gambling.

For all his pontification, he was no better than members of my family.

“I wish I’d found out more for you, Mr. Giordano,” Dillon said. “I mean Gabriel.”

What he’d found was enough that with clear conscience I could enjoy every moment of today’s impromptu meeting. It was also the smoking gun with regards to the Morettis. They were just as much victims as we were. The Morettis had lost a few men to random shootings over the last few months, always blaming the Giordano family just like we’d blamed them for several eliminations. Word on the street was that they’d been hacked, their computer systems almost completely destroyed, but not before valued information had been taken.

Some asshole had entered the game of Russian roulette. Had that person goaded Luciano on the infamous morning?

While the thought of working together left a bad taste in my mouth, it would be necessary to extend an olive branch in order to secure our passive working relationship. “You did good, Dillon. Excellent in fact. What you managed to find is exactly what I need. We aren’t killing him today, unless he makes an attempt.”

“You got it, boss.”

As I buttoned my jacket, I thought about Sarah. She’d opened my eyes about so many things. “One more thing. It’s perfectly acceptable if you want to ask Maria out on a date.”

“Excuse me?” He was genuinely shocked, his tone full of anxiety.

I tipped my head, unable to keep from grinning. “You heard me. However, if you hurt her in any way, you will be required to face me. You got it?”

The smile on his face was genuine, his eyes filled with surprise. “I will guard her with my life.”

I knew he would, just like he’d die in order to protect Sarah and me.

Good men were hard to find.

Bruno eased from the SUV, eager to track the asshole who’d sullied the club. He’d done an excellent job of scouring hours of tapes, searching for any other suspicious activity. There’d been nothing out of the ordinary, which meant any other activities had been handled by members enjoying a night of debauchery. My thoughts drifted to the evening I’d seen the mayor at my club. Had the man been so bold as to enter the facility he knew would be compromised at a later date?

That remained to be seen and wasn’t the subject of today’s meeting. Today was all about setting the tone, dropping the news that I was engaged to his daughter. I’d dealt with enough pompous assholes in my life to know he’d run to whatever source was paying him, sharing the news as if it was a Powerball lottery ticket.

As I walked down the front pathway, I noticed two cameras positioned on the front door. The man wasn’t taking any chances. Good for him. He would need protection when I was finished with him.

But not necessarily from me. I knew exactly the kind of man William Washington was. A turncoat and a coward. He would sell his soul and his firstborn if it meant he gained more power. I would use that against him.

I knocked on the door and when I heard footsteps a full two minutes later, I was certain he’d taken the time to check his security system. The moment he opened the door, I knew I was right, his expression one of amusement.

“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged through the muck,” he said, snorting as he glared at my two men.

“I think it’s time we had a discussion.”

“And I think you need to get the fuck off my property before I call my buddy, the police chief.”

I took a deep breath, gazing at the flowerpots on the front porch. “I would enjoy sitting down with the man, Will. You don’t mind me calling you Will, do you? After all, we’re going to be family soon. As far as the police chief, I’ll be happy to tell him about your partial ownership of Roxie’s. You know, the illegal gambling facility catering to the rich and famous? Then I’ll direct him to the offshore account you have set up with well over five million dollars set aside for your… proclivities. If he balks, then I’ll be happy to supply him with pictures of the seventeen-year-old mistress he has.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he snarled. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”

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