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“Are you ready?” he asked her. She only replied with a nod. He covered her mouth with his while his hands traveled up her thigh to her warm folds. Waves of need and pleasure melded together, making her moan and mewl against his lips. He had not even touched her most sensitive flesh and she was already trembling.

When he finally did, she cried out his name, a plea for him to take her on that journey she longed for. One finger began to stroke her in languid circles while another was gently pushed into her. He matched the strokes of both fingers, forming an intensely sensual rhythm. Edwina further parted her legs for him, closing her eyes against the building pleasure. With every passing second, it intensified, flowing through her body.

Tiny tremors shook her entire body and before she could understand what was happening, her senses were exploding from her climax. Albert gathered her into his arms and rolled onto his back, holding her tightly as the waves overtook her. It took a while, but she slowly descended back to reality, catching her breath. She had never experienced anything like this, and he had not even touched her with his member. All he had done was use his fingers.

“How are you?” he asked her, stroking her back.

“I think I died and was reborn,” she murmured, her body feeling languid.

“That is the oddest, yet most accurate description I have ever heard.” He kissed her cheek.

“Well, I am an odd sort of woman.”

“I would not say odd. You are a special sort of woman.” His words filled her with warmth and she closed her eyes.

Sometime later, she shifted against him, feeling the rigid evidence of his desire brush against her thighs. She remembered that he, too, needed some release. Reaching, she cupped him in her hand. His entire body went rigid and he covered her hand with his.

“Do you know what this means?” he asked her.

“Of course I do,” she returned, feeling him throb through his breeches. “I am ready, Albert.”

In a swift motion, she was under him and he was undoing the fastenings of his breeches. When he exposed himself to her, she swallowed, feeling slightly overwhelmed by his beauty. Without meaning to, she touched him. He winced, and she quickly withdrew her hand. “Did I—”

He shook his head, his expression tortured. “I just ache to be within you.”

She smiled and opened her arms to him, inviting him. Taking himself in hand, he touched the tip of his member to her now throbbing bud, then rolled it in circles against her, building a rhythm again. Edwina rolled her hips in tune, tiny gasps rushing past her lips. She ached more for him.

“Albert, I need you—” she whimpered, shivering.

Lowering himself onto her, he kissed her lips before easing himself into her, very slowly, kissing her every time he inched deeper. Her want had taken her past the point of feeling any pain, save for a tiny sting that she barely registered. When he was completely sheathed within her, he rolled his hips, shocking her. The feel of him within her was somehow even greater than what he had done with his fingers earlier.

He slid his arm underneath her bottom and lifted her hips, then tenderly thrust deeper into her before withdrawing and repeating the motion. Soon, the pace of his thrusts increased. His arms tightened about her and his breathing grew ragged. Edwina was equally lost. Nothing existed in her world but their joined bodies and the passion between them. Albert was giving her everything he had promised her, and more.

She could not contain the sound that pushed its way out of her when she reached the peak of her pleasure. Still, he continued to take her over the edge, not releasing her until he attained his own peak. Their bodies trembled together.

Her heart was on fire in her chest. She did not think such happiness was ever possible until now. Whatever unfolded in their future, she doubted she would ever have any regrets;for where there was love, there was never regret.

Edwina realized that she had done precisely what she had been trying her damndest not to since the very moment she met him: she had fallen in love with Albert. In that instant, she had him. No matter what, he was hers to do with as she wished. She tenderly stroked his hair as he lay helpless in her arms.

* * *

Edwina opened her eyes to the sight of her husband shoving what looked like bread into his mouth. He was sitting on the sofa near the window with a table in front of him, laden with food. He was fully dressed, too.

"Good morning, Wife!" He grinned at her. Even after all that had happened between them the night before, Edwina still found herself blushing. "I had our breakfast brought up," he said, moving to the bed, settling beside her. "I was going to wait for you to wake up, but I have somewhere I must be." He kissed her lips, sending tenderness rushing through her.

"Marmalade," Edwina said when he pulled away. It was the taste of his lips.

"Do you want some more?" he murmured, kissing her again.

"What time is it?" she asked him when he pulled away.

"Eight… nine… I am not sure."

"What?" She sat up abruptly, looking around for a clock.

"Oh, look," he plucked the small table clock on the nightstand, "it is quarter to nine."

"Why did you not wake me up, Albert?" She scrambled to gain her feet while clutching the sheets to her bare bosom.
