Page 63 of The Secret of Raven

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“He’s over there,” he tells me, pointing to the right.

The room is crowded, and I’m struggling to spot Hunter. Eventually, I do, over where Jax pointed, his blond hair standing out amongst the low lighting and sea of people that seem to be obsessed with dark clothing. Not that I have room to talk.

The music is loud, but I can still hear multiple conversations between sub-groups that have formed. Almost everyone has a drink in their hand, and a few people are dancing in the corner of the room.

I hesitate to move toward Hunter, the crowd making me feel uneasy. But Jax places a hand against the small of my back and urges me forward. I move slowly, turning my body to make my way toward Hunter with Jax right behind me.

A few people glance in my direction and creases form between their brows. They’re probably wondering who I am. I try to avoid eye contact and do a pretty good job and, within a minute, I’ve reached Hunter.

Jax gives me a gentle push toward him, and I sort of stumble right into him. Hunter’s muscles briefly wind tight, but then his arm is looped around my waist. Then he turns his head and brushes his lips against mine.

Freaking kissing me.

And it confuses the hell out of me.

My eyes widen, and he looks at me with a hint of shock, like he just surprised the hell out himself. Then he hastily erases the look and turns back to the guys he’s been talking with—Benton and Ellis, who yes, is still staring at me.

Great. Here we go again with the creepy fucking staring.

Hunter goes right back into the conversation. “So, this new deal you were talking about …”

Benton gives me another one of those knowing looks that annoy the hell out of me. Ellis, though, stares at me for a minute before directing his attention back to the conversation. Still, he keeps giving me these intense glances.

I’m not sure what the hell I’m supposed to do, so I end up standing there, pressed up against Hunter. He keeps his arm around me and traces his fingertips along the sliver of skin peeking out between the top of my skirt and the bottom of my shirt.

It makes me feel all fluttery and confused. And my confusion grows when I find Jax. For some reason, I thought he’d look upset, especially after Hunter kissed me. But he just smiles at me then changes the song on the stereo to an upbeat one.

What the heck is going on? And, why does it feel like I’m out of the loop on something.

Or maybe everything.



For about fifteen minutes or so, I stand beside Hunter while he chats business with Benton and his friends. Eventually, Benton suggests we play beer pong, and Hunter rubs his hands together with wicked delight.

“Sure,” he says. “You know I always love the chance to kick your ass at any game.”

The two talk shit to each other as we head in the direction of the doorway. It seems a bit strange that they go from talking business to playing a drunk game, but whatever. I’m just here for the ride, anyway. To be honest, I’ve been so quiet that I feel like I’ve gone invisible or something.

Which isn’t that bad, I guess.

The beer pong table ends up being in the garage, and Hunter leads the way, holding my hand and taking the lead. Jax has wandered off somewhere, and I haven’t seen Zay at all.

“You doing okay?” Hunter asks me softly as he opens the garage door and flips the light on.

I nod, glancing around the garage, where the guys put the living room sofas. A table has been set up with cups on it. I know what beer pong is, but I’ve never played it before, which is probably no surprise.

Since four guys are wandering in here, I figure they will play while I sit out. But Hunter pulls me to one side with him.

“Raven and me against you and Ellis?” Hunter says to Benton.

“Sure.” Benton smiles at me again.

Then winks.

Seriously, WTF?
