Page 110 of Ravaged Souls

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“Come on, Unc, spare me the spiel. I just took a severe ass-beating for you.”

“And I’m forever grateful, dear nephew. Just don’t let your mother find out. She’s already pissed with me for sending you undercover. She’ll disown me altogether if she discovers what went down tonight.”

“Just throw her a couple grand and she’ll be fine.”

Unc chuckled and shook his head. “Right you are, nephew. Right you are.”

He got up from his seat and walked over to me. I removed the ice pack from my face and let him observe my injuries.

“Prim?” he asked knowingly.

I nodded.

“Don’t you just love her?”

“Yeah,” I grumbled. “She’s a real chip off the old block if you know what I mean.”

Unc helped me down in the recliner then walked over to his bar, grabbing us some glasses. “What’s the word on Damien and Jace?”

“Well, Sharkey shot him in the leg and then beat the fuck out of him. He’s alive, but I’m sure he’s pissed with us. Last I heard, he’s being patched up by one of the doctors Damien is in cahoots with.”

“And Damien?” he asked.

I grabbed the glass from his outstretched hand and brought it to my lips. “He’s fucking fuming right now. Jace and I were very convincing though, so we’re in the clear. As far as Damien knows, we were hijacked by a random crew of men wearing masks. Sharky and Prim wrecked the semi in the woods as well as my SUV. By the way, you’re paying for the damages. Damien dropped me off back at my house and then I had Sharkey pick me up and bring me here. Don’t worry though. They were long gone before I called him, so we’re safe.”

Unc nodded to that, a wide grin on his face.

But then slowly that smile fell.

He sighed, downing his glass.

“Is something wrong?”

“Yes, dear nephew, I’m afraid so.”

Unc walked over to the pool table then, grabbing a file I hadn’t noticed was there when I walked in. As he handed it over, I opened it. My eyes bugged wide at what I saw next.

“What the hell is this?” I challenged, glaring up at him with pinched brows.

“She,” he said thickly as he gulped down his drink, “is someone I’ve been protecting for the last thirteen years of her life. Her name popped up on the new recruitment list for the Ravagers.”

“You’re shitting me,” I gasped out.

Unc shook his head. “I wish I was, but no. I’ve done some digging in my spare time and discovered her mother was murdered a few months ago.” He sighed, shaking his head. “Somehow, and I’ve yet to figure out how, she’s a student at the academy now.”

“But I don’t understand, Unc. Why have you been—”

“It’s crucial she passes all three trials, Griffin,” he abruptly cut me off, his throat bobbing. “Once she does, I’m sending her away. Far, far away where nobody will ever find her.”

“But why?” I asked, trying to understand whatever the fuck he was trying to tell me. “Who is she to you? Why is she so important?”

“Because.” He swallowed, and I couldn’t help but gasp again in shock as tears began forming in his eyes. “That girl in the picture, Samara Campbell…she…she’s your cousin, Griffin.”

“WHAT?” I rose to my feet then, dropping the file onto the floor, my chest painfully heaving. “You-You can’t be serious. If that’s true…then…then that means…”

Please, Unc, say it isn't so…

“Yes, Griffin, yes. Samara is my daughter.”
