Page 70 of Ravaged Souls

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Rhett’s face fell lower. Understanding washed over his face as he stared at me. “It was the Outlaws,” he murmured.

“Yes,” I nodded. “An Outlaw murdered my mother. He…” I blew out a breath and raised my leg, pulling down my barney-colored sock, exposing my scar to him. “He shot me, Rhett.”

He breathed in deeply, a dark look in his eyes as he glared down at my scar. Reaching out, he grazed his fingertips over it, his scowl blackening.

“There’s nothing more left to say, Samara, I-I understand completely.”

“You do?” I held back the smile twitching at my lips.

“Yes, I do. Don’t worry. I know exactly how to handle this so you can get the justice you deserve.”

He rose from the couch and stalked toward the door, opening it and slamming it behind him. My heart thudded hard as a wicked, evil grin spread across my face.

My plan worked. Phase one was complete.

Now it was time to wait and see how the rest of the cards fell.

Chapter 33


“IwantSamarainthe trials,” Rhett said as he came storming inside the bedroom, glaring hard between me and Phantom.

“Excuse me?” Phantom hissed as he spun around in his computer chair to face him, his brows irately pinched.

“Why do you want her in the trials?”

“Because.” Rhett’s throat frantically bobbed. He sighed, looking away from us. “I lied. I didn’t kill that Outlaw on my own. Samara was there too. She was fighting the guy before I ever got there. She…She’s the one who saved Sky. Not me.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Phantom shouted. He rose from his chair, his fists clamped at his sides, shaking.

“No, I’m not,” Rhett replied. “She was phenomenal. A true warrior. She would’ve killed the Outlaw all on her own if it weren’t for me intervening and getting her knocked out.”

So that’s how my little Samurai got that nasty cut on her lip. I’d noticed it days ago when I saw her in the dining hall, gathering up food for her roommate. I never thought twice of it.

But now, it made sense.

I was actually surprised by the proposal. Rhett had always been opposed to women taking the trials. They were brutal. Any and all new recruits had to pass three of them in order to be deemed as an official Ravager. It was the same with all the crews spread within the Valley.

“Why are we just now hearing about this?” snarled Phantom.

“I don’t know.” Rhett blew out a hard sigh, shaking his head. “I guess I was trying to protect her.”

My eyes flicked away from Rhett to Phantom, who, of-fucking-course, pinned Rhett with his famousI should murder you,death glare. His jaw was clenched tight, ticking away.

“Look, bro.” Rhett approached Phantom, his hands raised slightly in defense. “I know you don’t like her and that you want her gone, but you weren’t there that night. You didn’t see what I saw. Father said we need the bravest, toughest ones, regardless of gender. Not only is Samara brave, but she’s tough as hell. She’s a fighteranda survivor, just like us.”

“That was her at the door, wasn’t it?” I asked.

Rhett nodded.

“What did she say?”

“It doesn’t fucking matter,” Phantom’s dark voice rattled out. “Because we’re not recruiting her and that’s the end of this conversation altogether.”

“Phantom, man, come on, stop being like—”

Phantom’s hand darted out and caught Rhett’s as he made to reach out and touch him. In a blink he had Rhett against the wall, his hand around Rhett’s throat as the other punched a huge hole clean through the wall, right beside Rhett’s head.
