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“Hey. Let’s grab some lunch after this.”

I look up from the telescope I’m working on, frustrated that my calculations aren’t quite right. “Yeah, okay. I could use a break.”

I grab my bag, and we head out of the building toward the cafeteria. Keith has his arm around my waist, and he says something about going to see the new Marvel movie when I catch a glimpse of something—no, someone—in my peripheral vision.

I turn my head to get a better look.


My eyes instantly collide with his. He’s walking with the President of the Institute and a cluster of several other men and women, all dressed in sharp business suits. They’re walking toward us, obviously on their way to an important meeting.

And he looks…beautiful, so fucking hot my knees threaten to buckle. He’s wearing a gray suit, tailored to fit his large frame, and his dark hair is combed back away from his face. The look in his eyes is level, powerful and commanding. His stoic features reveal nothing.

Keith is talking, but all I can hear is the frantic beating of my own heart. Even as we continue to walk, the world around me falls away, and all I can see is Kohl. He’s here. Why is he here?

“Hey, earth to Maddy. What do you think?” When I don’t answer, Keith glances at my face and follows the direction of my gaze. “Oh, shit. It’s Evan Kohl.”

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Kohl’s gaze shifts to Keith, and the stoicism melts away. His eyes narrow dangerously, his beautiful face twists into a scowl. Ah, so he doesn’t like seeing me with someone else. That knowledge gives me a little thrill. It shouldn’t, but it does. And just to rub it in a little more, I lean into Keith and whisper something about the movie in his ear. Keith responds with a smile. Kohl’s expression darkens.

Using Keith like this is so wrong. I know it is. But I can’t help myself. I want Kohl to hurt like I hurt. I want him to feel the same pain he’s inflicted on me. I want him to know I’m moving on.

Happiness is the best revenge. Isn’t that what they say?

Seconds melt into what feels like minutes, hours, before Kohl and his group turn a corner ahead of us and disappear. Instantly, I release the breath I’d been holding and the muscles in my shoulders unclench.

“Wow, that was fucking awkward.” Keith stops and turns to me. “You okay?”

I push out a breath. “You know, I’m really tired of people asking me that. I’m fine. I’m not going to fall apart.”

He looks concerned. “It’s just not every day that you run into your ex.”

“I didn’t run into him,” I clarify with a shaky smile. “I saw him at a distance. Either way, I’m totally fine.”

But even as the words leave my mouth, I wonder how true they are. If I’m being honest with myself, totally fine might be pushing it. But I’m nowhere near as delicate as everyone fears. I’m already half over him. Almost.

“He must be here for the press conference.” Keith says, his head turning to stare after the direction the group had turned as we pass by.

“Wait, what press conference?” I stop.

“Didn’t you hear? XVerse is getting ready to launch their new solar-powered rocket.”

I shake my head. “I’ve been putting in extra hours at the lab. I guess I’ve been out of the loop.” And deliberately not reading any aerospace news.

In addition, I’ve been staying away from the internet and social media. The last thing I need is to come across a picture of Kohl with his new mistress. Yeah, no thanks.

“XVerse and a couple of the professors here have been collaborating on the Asteria 3.”

“Oh, right. Yeah.” I remembered that. I just didn’t think he’d be coming here to do press interviews. “Whatever. Fuck Kohl. I’m starving.” I step forward again, quickening my pace on the way to the cafeteria.

Keith’s brows rise sharply, but he sends me a knowing smile. “Let’s get a move on.”

Chapter 33

A Confession

A while later, I’m back in the lab, working on the telescope, when my phone vibrates in my back pocket. It’s probably Sam, asking what I want for dinner. She’s been on a casserole craze lately, but I really can’t complain. It’s better than takeout, which is what I usually grab after the cafeteria closes.
