Page 43 of Requital

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“We’ve discussed that as an option,” I reply. “But I don’t believe I will feel comfortable, especially with some of the clients referred to me by the FBI and CIA.”

“Are you ready, sweetheart?”

The sound of Hawke’s voice interrupts our discussion.

“Please send our love to Sumner and Tatum,” Charlie says. “Mark is looking forward to officiating their wedding next year.

“Of course, I will, and thank you for listening to me, Charlie. Your friendship is something I value deeply.

I’ve never been one to surround myself with many friends, particularly female ones, yet the friendship I’ve forged with Charlie is one I treasure and am extremely appreciative of.

“Go before you make me cry.” She half laughs to control her emotions.



“It’s been too long, Earl,” I greet my old friend.

“That it has, Hawke.” He embraces me, grabbing my hand to shake it. “Let’s sit and talk.”

“Have you heard the name El Mazir?” I ask once seated, quickly getting to the point of our reunion.

Nodding, Earl acknowledges his awareness of whom I’m referring to. “Christopher Asher caused quite a shit storm with his actions in Afghanistan, but he’s not why you’re here, is he?”

“No,” I solemnly admit. “I’m hoping you can help me find out who has replaced him.”

Pulling a file out of his drawer, he tells me he’d assumed that’s why I’d contacted him. Opening the file, he continues explaining that after Christopher’s arrest, the CIA attempted to plant an agent undercover within the terrorist group to monitor any further activity.

Initially, the CIA hoped the group would disband without Christopher’s leadership but quickly became aware that one of his high-ranking soldiers had stepped up shortly after to fill the void. Unfortunately, the undercover agent was discovered and killed. The last communication his handler received confirmed he had important information pertinent to the case. Sadly, the group got to him before he could share it.

How did I not discover this myself?

“You’re probably wondering why you never recognized the connection?” I hear him state.

Bloody man is a mind reader!

“The connection is closer than you think.”

“What do you mean?” I question in disbelief.

“Before he was killed, the agent told his handler he knew the identity of Christopher’s replacement. I only connected the dots recently, but you contacted me before I could reach out to you and Antony,” Earl advises. “I would never have made the connection if it wasn’t for a report that we received from Antony’s son, Sean.”

Before I can ask any further questions, Earl says that Sean’s report hinted at a leak within the CIA, but he couldn’t put his finger on who that leak could be. Whoever they were, they were good at covering their tracks. I’m not surprised that Sean had kept his information to himself because he would’ve been worried about the danger it could invoke if he’d voiced his concerns too broadly.

“So, you know who the leak is?” I inquire further.

“Yes, I have my suspicions,” he confirms. “And you’re not going to like it, Hawke.”

Staying silent, I encourage him to continue. When he does, he tells me the leak is someone close to Ant and myself, someone we’ve worked closely with during our careers.

There is only one person who comes to mind, and that’s Patrick Miller, but it couldn’t be, could it?

“You know whom I’m talking about, don’t you?

“Yes,” I quietly confirm. “But how?”

“Patrick has been traveling regularly to Afghanistan for many years, but his visits have increased over the past few years. I doubt you or Antony would have noticed after you both retired,” Earl informs me. “Someone else noticed, though, which is why I became involved.”
