Page 44 of Requital

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“Sean,” I quietly voice.

“Yes,” he nods. “All of Sean’s reports about Afghanistan, the abduction of your stepdaughter, and Cole Security mention Patrick. It wasn’t until his last one that I connected the dots about his possible involvement.”

“What was so special about that report?” I question further.

“Sean’s last assignment was in Afghanistan, which I’m sure you are aware of, but he was on a scouting mission. The CIA wanted to know the identity of the one leading this terrorist group, so they sent Sean to try and discover who it was. While there, Sean thought he’d seen Patrick, but before he could confirm, the person of interest disappeared.”

Knowing I wouldn’t give up that easily Earl keeps talking, detailing how it’s believed Sean may now be compromised. The CIA has relocated him, his wife, and his child to a secured location to protect him and his family. Only two people know his location, the head of the CIA and Earl.

“So, their holiday is just a ruse?”

Nodding, he silently confirms.

“I went to contact you as soon as it all went down, but you phoned me before I could.”

Ant and I thought it was odd that Sean and Hadley were suddenly going on a vacation but believed Hadley had finally convinced her husband to take a well-deserved break. She’d been bugging him for so long that we’d thought she’d finally succeeded. Knowing that it’s not true suddenly sends chills down my spine.

“We believe Patrick has gone underground, and as much as they won’t admit it, the CIA can’t locate him,” Earl concludes.

“I will,” I all but whisper.

“You will need help on this one, Hawke.”

Earl’s gruff voice may be low-pitched, but there’s a distinctive seriousness underlining it, which I’ve never encountered during previous meetings. He’s worried; that much is for sure. His furrowed forehead gives him away instantly, yet somehow, I can’t help but think there is more to it.

“I have Antony and Jackson Cole’s team behind me, Earl.”

Nodding in acknowledgment, Earl rises from his chair and starts pacing back and forth.

“What aren’t you telling me, Earl?” I question, stopping him in his tracks.

Nervously he turns to me, and I watch as he rubs his hand over his forehead, fear flickering in his hazel eyes. “I believe Patrick is here in Brooklyn.”

As he sits back down, Earl’s brows draw together as he tells me that the last known coordinates for Patrick had him lying low in Brooklyn.

“And I believe he’s here for me,” a tired, scared Earl reveals.

“What makes you think that?” I query.

“I’m one of two people who know the whereabouts of Sean and his family,” he concludes.

“How can you be sure that’s the reason?”

“Why else would he come to Brooklyn?” Earl snaps.

“I’m sorry, Hawke.” He apologizes, waving his hand before him. “I can’t think of another reason why he would be here.”

Earl may not be able to think of one, but I can, and I tell him so. Before Gregory and Vanessa were caught, they were using the Alexandria family to launder money for them to filter back to Afghanistan. Patrick could be here to conduct business with Gerrick directly.

“I’ll need everything you have on the El Mazir case and anything on Patrick. I will find him, Earl, that I can promise you.”

“Just wait here,” he advises before standing.

When Earl returns, he is carrying a box of files that he places on the table.

“Inside this box is everything the department has on this case,” he states. “And anything I could find that links Patrick. I hope you find the bastard before he can do any further harm.”

Thanking my old friend, I promise to find Patrick and put this case to bed. He laughs at me when I suggest he take some time off and lay low himself. Earl may be scared, but he is no coward and vows to take Patrick down if he tries to harm him.
